- Authors:A.Hukka,H.A.Viitanen.A mathematical model of mould growth on wooden material[M].Publisher:Springer-Verlag GmbH. 中国模具设计大典编委会.;中国模具设计大典[M]
- Specification for mould growth test chambers 长霉试验箱技术条件
- Bread tends to mould in damp weather. 气候潮湿时,面包容易长霉。
- The main impediment to growth is a lack of capital. 影响发展的主要障碍是缺乏资本。
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
- The metal in the mould hardened into shape. 模子里的金属硬化成形。
- Lack of food may stunt the growth. 缺乏食物可能妨碍发育。
- Childhood is a period of rapid growth. 幼年是生长迅速的时期。
- Wet the clay a bit more before you start to mould it. 把泥再弄湿点再动手塑造。
- The growth of violent crime is a very real problem. 暴力犯罪的增加是个非常现实的问题。
- Dogmatism is puppyism come to its full growth. 教条主义是盲目自高自大的全副面目。
- Is the growth benign or cancerous? 这个肿瘤是良性的还是癌肿性的?
- Have an apple of our own growth. 尝尝我们自己种的苹果吧。
- The growth of successive layers of a cell wall. 敷着,附着细胞壁连续层的生长
- Children need a happy home environment for their healthy growth. 孩子们需要幸福的家庭环境才能健康地成长。
- A thicket or growth of these plants. 澳洲油桉丛上述这种植物的一丛或一群
- The development and growth of an embryo. 胚胎发生胚胎的发展与生长
- Artificial heating hastens the growth of plants. 人工供暖能促进植物生长。
- The mould in which they were made is broken. 塑造它们的模型已毁。
- Growth and decay are vital processes. 生长和衰亡是生命过程。