- Red woollen were of mordant dye or repetitious dye. And green woollen were chromatically dyed by blue and yellow color. 红色毛织品采用了媒染、复染工艺,绿色毛织品由蓝色与黄色套染而成。
- The color fastness tests showed that REE mordant dyeing could improve the dyeing results of the above fabrics with RRR dye. 通过对染色牢度的测试得出稀土媒染能增加大黄用于改性纤维素纤维织物的固色效果。
- The mordant dyeing properties of leather dyed with sorghum red natural dye using pre-mordant and post-mordant method are studied in the paper. 本文分别以金属盐和有机酸为媒染剂,研究了天然染料高粱红对羊皮的预媒、后媒法染色性能。
- Solubility, levelness, uptake and fixation of reactive dyes were better than those of mordant dyes, and color differences between lots were smaller. 染料的溶解度、匀染性、上色率、固色率均好于媒介染料,颜色的批差小。
- Results also showed that all fastness properties of the reactive dyes were better than those of mordant dyes, except for crabbing staining fastness. 研究结果表明:除煮呢沾色牢度外,染色羊毛的各项牢度均优于媒介染料。
- In this paper,applying low-temperature dyeing technology in cashmere stock dyeing process for acid mordant dyes,acid milling dyes,and Lanasol dyes was studies. 在羊绒散纤维染色中,对酸性媒介染料、弱酸性染料、毛用活性染料等应用低温染色工艺进行了研究。
- It discussed the dyeing of the shrink resistant wool with reactire dyes and mordant dyes in deep black, tested the fastness to crocking, the soaping fastness and the dyeing depth. 摘要主要探讨了活性染料及媒介染料在防缩羊毛上染深黑色的应用。
- Application: Polyester catalyst, oil paint desiccating agent, printing and dying mordant dyeing, Chinaware paint, analysis reagent, apparent concealed ink, and so on. 用途:用作聚酯、工业催化剂、油漆催干剂、陶瓷颜料、釉彩的配料、分析试剂、印染媒染剂、玻璃钢固化促进剂和显隐墨水等。
- The colour fastness to soaping of the silk direct dyeing with tea colour and mordanted dyeing with heamatoxylin coffee, and carthamin already reach to 4 grade or more. 试验结果表明:茶叶色素直接上染丝绸,苏木黑、咖啡、红花素经铁盐或铝盐媒染丝绸,皂洗牢度均可达4级或4级以上;
- Keywords Rabbit skin;Acidic mordant dye;Dyeing; 家兔皮;酸性媒介染料;染色;
- A modent mordant helps fix the dye to the material. 媒染剂有助于将染料附着于材料。
- Try to wear a colour that is less obtrusive. 尽量穿得颜色别太显眼。
- A mordant helps fix the dye to the material. 腐蚀液帮助染料固定在原料上。
- She painted the window sills a bright colour. 她把窗台漆上鲜艳的颜色。
- You can dye your hair whatever colour you like. 你的头发你想怎么染就怎么染。
- They want us to show some of our colour slides. 他们想看看我们的彩色幻灯片。
- His dress is very similar to mine in colour. 他衣服的颜色和我衣服的很相似。
- One colour he'd never dye his hair is green. 他还未曾把头发染成绿色过。
- The indigo plant or the blue dye obtained from it. 假蓝靛靛蓝植物或从这种植物中提取的蓝色染料
- Is the film in colour or black and white? 这胶卷是彩色的还是黑白的?