- He felt his moral nature falling to pieces. 他感觉到自己的德行已经丧失殆
- Is retaining our each other clearest feeling in the moral nature. 就保留着我们彼此最真切的感觉在心底吧。
- The object of moral education is to guide students from good moral nature. 摘要道德教育旨在引导学生形成优良的道德品质。
- Brightly blooms that as soon as flickers, only in human moral nature. 灿烂绽放的那一瞬,只在人自己心底。
- The Xie Jin tear, never and acclaims the moral nature love, recounts to the son and has expressed! 谢晋泪,是从来没有把心底的爱和赞叹,向儿子述说和表示过!
- The power to apprecate beauty not merelyincrease our sources of happiness-it enlarges our moral nature,too. 具有欣赏美的能力不仅可以使我们快乐的源泉汩汩喷涌,还可以拓展我们的德行。
- Even if we can sing lyrically, but it can't proceed from the moral nature actually the sympathetic ch... 即使我们能唱出动人的歌,却没有发自心底的共鸣,也只是一些空洞的音乐罢了。
- Hoped my all sadness, can look like the tree cotton same traversing time, the traversing cercis chinensis, the traversing hides in moral nature darkness! 希望我所有的忧伤,会像木棉花一样穿过时光,穿过紫荆,穿过隐藏在心底的黑暗!
- I do not here mean that it so elevates the moral nature as to make men disdain and abhor the oppression of their fellow-men. 我这里不是说教育已经将人们的道德本质提高到了不屑并且憎恶对同胞的剥削的程度。
- In the media like a raging fire “forces Claye Qiao to be hot” beside with such writing meet, our moral nature most gentle place will perhaps ripple ripples. 在媒体如火如荼的“勒克莱齐奥热”之外与这样的文字相遇,我们心底最柔和的地方也许会漾起一丝涟漪。
- Heard sad news the cultural circle public figure, like likes a sudden thunderclap, can not help as if by prior agreement, exudes such call from the moral nature. 闻听噩耗的文化界人士,如五雷轰顶,不约而同、情不自禁,从心底发出这样的呼声。
- The power to appreciate beauty not merely increases our sources of happiness,it enlarges our moral nature,too.Beauty calms our restless and dispels our cares. 鉴赏美的能力,不仅增添了我们快乐的源泉,也拓展了我们纯洁的天性。美沉淀了我们心中的浮躁,驱散了我们的忧虑。
- Because his moral nature woman is his prop, he cannot use her with any person compared to, he thought this kind of comparison is stupid, he only loves her one for a lifetime. 因为他心底的女人是他的支柱,他不会用她和任何一个人比,他认为这种比较是愚蠢的,他一辈子只爱她一个。
- In that moral nature's hot pillow already no longer belonged to me, I already “obtained another world” in this mortal world, in I had and between the preparation fingertip promote. 那份心底里的热枕早已不再属于我,我已经在尘世里“获得另一个世界”,在我来有及准备的指尖间升级。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- Instead of monarchs, the human world asks for equality, communism, the reversion to the moral nature of the human race, and a world-creating movement that renews the human civilization system. 人间不要帝王,要平等、要共产、要回归人类道德本性,进行一场更新人类文明体系的创世运动;
- If describes the yellow with a picture, that is in a sunset glow sunflower positive sense remote not well-known place, this form gradually pale to extreme, actually engraves in the moral nature. 如果用一幅画来形容黄色,那就是晚霞中的向日葵正指向一个遥远不知名的地方,这身影渐渐淡到了极处,却又刻在心底。
- Moral taint has spread among young people. 道德的败坏在年轻人之间蔓延。
- People can draw a moral from tales. 人们可以从寓言里吸取经验教训。
- You may draw your own moral from it. 你可以从中得出自己的教训。