- Research on the Concept and Method of Landscape Lighting Design of Montane City along the River 沿江山地城市景观照明设计理念及方法探究
- montane city along the river 沿江山地城市
- After Harbin, with its nearly four million people, Jiamusi is the second major city along the river to have its water supplies interrupted since the spill occurred. 污染发生后,松花江沿岸的城市中,佳木斯是继哈尔滨之后供水中断的大城,哈尔滨的人口将近有四百万人。
- Pine trees were planted all along the river. 沿河两岸种着松树。
- You can picnic along the river bank. 你们可以靠河沿野餐。
- His soldiers were arrayed along the river bank. 他的士兵沿著河岸摆开阵势。
- Growing along the river are tall palm trees. 沿着这条河生长的是高大的棕树。
- Yichang is an open city along the Yangtze River. 宜昌是长江沿岸的开放城市。
- At present,all the main dikes on the Yangtze are standing rock-firm,cities along the river have maintained a good order,and the local people are living and working in peace and contentment. 现在万里江堤巍然屹立,沿江城市秩序井然,人民安居乐业。
- At present, all the main dikes on the Yangtze are standing rock-firm, cities along the river have maintained a good order, and the local people are living and working in peace and contentment. 现在万里江堤巍然屹立,沿江城市秩序井然,人民安居乐业。
- His motorboat hurtled along the river. 他的摩托艇在河上飞驰而过。
- The army was echeloned along the river. 部队沿河排成梯队。
- How wonderful it would be to walk along the river! 去河边散散步该有多好!
- Willows were planted along the river bank. 沿河岸栽着杨柳。
- We walked a little along the river. 我们沿河走了不远。
- The soldiers are arrayed along the river bank. 士兵们沿着河岸布置。
- Factories mushroomed along the river. 工厂沿着河如雨后春笋似地兴建起来。
- You might as well have a look at the city along the way. 您不妨顺便沿途观赏一下北京的景色。
- They have made a road along the river. 他们沿这条河筑了一条路。