- A test, as of a machine, for proper functioning. 检验为等正常运作所做的检验,如对机器
- Friction lowers the efficiency of a machine. 摩擦减低机器的效率。
- A machine may change the direction of a force. 机器可以改变力的方向。
- The inner parts, as of a machine. 内部结构内部机构,如机器的内部结构
- In order to reduce friction, the moving parts of a machine are often oiled. 为了减少摩擦,机器的可动部件常常涂上润滑油。
- A machine consists of a lot of parts. 机器是由许多零件组成的。
- An example of a full audit of a machine is shown. 显示了对一台机器进行完整审计的示例。
- Surface contouring of a machine part. 机械零件的表面等高线。
- The part of a machine shaft or axle supported by a bearing. 轴颈机械的转动轴或轮轴中由轴承所支撑的部分
- An instrument for gauging and adjusting parts of a machine;a tram. 调整机器部件用规一种测量并调节机器部件的仪器;量规
- A basic or fundamental unit, often referring to the lowest of a machine instruction or lowest unit of language translation. 一种基本单位或基础单位,常常指机器指令的最低一级或语言翻译的最低的单位。
- modulus of a machine [经] 机械效率
- The rapid series of noises made by the parts of a machine. 机器零件的急促的一系列的声响。
- The effective modulus of composites plays the role of a bridge between micromechanicsand macromechanics. 有效模量是复合材料力学细观解过渡到宏观解的桥梁。
- Lutz M P, Zimmerman R W.Effect of the interphase zone on the bulk modulus of a particulate composite. 袁应龙;卢子兴.;含涂层空心球复合泡沫塑料的模量预测及讨论
- The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. 我们做的蛋糕不大成功。
- Modulus of elasticity for tension? 拉伸弹性模量?
- These don't tend to work as well as taking the modulus of a prime, and the extra computation required might negate efficiency advantage of power of 2 hash tables. 它们和对素数取模一样不太好用,而且所需的额外计算可能还会消除2的幂的散列表所带来的性能优势。
- Modulus of elasticity of volume? 体积弹性模量?
- The parts of a machine all have reference to each other. 一部机器的每一个部分彼此相关联。