- Streaming media technique will be a good tool for modern distance education. 流媒体技术为现代远程教育的实现提供了更好的技术支持。
- We will accelerate the application of IT to education and develop modern distance education. 加快教育信息化建设,积极发展现代远程教育。
- With the development of Modern Distance Education, the learning support service (LSS) has been attracted more and more attention . 随着远程教育的不断发展,对学习支持服务的研究已经成为当前远程教育领域探讨的一个热点问题。
- Modern distance education based computer network has become the main stream of CAI. 基于计算机网络的现代远程教育已成为计算机辅助教育发展的大趋势。
- This paper analyses some key techniques involved in streaming courseware system in modern distance education. 本文详细分析了现代远程教育中流课件系统涉及的各项关键技术。
- At first, the brief introduction to the goals of modern distance education and the basic principle of VSAT technology. 文中首先对现代远程教育的目标和VSAT卫星数据广播技术做了简要介绍。
- The multi-media resources are main material guarantee in modern distance education, and also serve as the basis for realizing guided learning. 摘要多媒体资源是现代远程教育的重要物质保证,是有效实现导学群服务的基础。
- As the receivers of modern distance education (MDE) vary greatly, with significant group difference, it is difficult to analyze their features. 摘要现代远程教育所面向的对象受到多方面的影响,群体差异较大,特征分析复杂、困难。
- Its theory is more complex, but its application is very far-ranging in the modern distance education, and it is irreplaceable. 它的实现原理比较复杂,但是在现代远程教育中的应用非常广泛,并且对现代远程教育有着不可替代的作用。
- The main characteristics of modern distance education are to make use of multimedia resources and conduct interactive teaching under network environment. 摘要现代远程教育的主要特征是在网络环境下充分利用多媒体资源进行交互式教学。
- The modern distance education can't totally repudiate traditional education, but should absorb its advantage actively, and have complementary advantages. 开展现代远程教育不能全盘否定传统教育,而应积极吸纳其优势,达成二者优势互补。
- Following the development of computer and network tec hn ology, modern distance education is becoming the most advantageous complement an d challenge to traditional education. 随着现代计算机技术和网络技术的发展 ;现代远程教育日益形成对传统教育的最有利补充和挑战 .
- II. To develop a modern distance education network and establish a socialized life-long educational system. 第二,发展现代远程教育网络,构建社会化的终身教育体系。
- With the development and combine of Information Technology (IT) and Lifelong Education, Modern Distance Education (MDE) emerges as the times require and develops like a raging fire now. 随着信息技术和终身教育二者的发展及结合,现代远程教育应运而生并迅猛发展,但是与此同时也出现了诸多问题。
- In modern distance education field, educational quality becomes one of the hot and knotty issues concerned widely with the rapid development of open and distance education. 在现代远程教育领域,随着远程开放教育的快速发展,教育质量问题正成为目前备受关注的热点和难点问题之一。
- However, modern distance education based on internet, which combine internet with CAI (computer aided instruction), is born to meet the challenge, though it is still in its initial stage of experiment as how to give full play to its throng points. 在这种情况下,计算机辅助教学(cai)与Internet技术的有机结合,使基于网络的现代远程教育应运而生。 但怎样才能更好地发挥远程教学的作用,目前还处于探索阶段。
- At present, the modern distance education is all based on certain teaching support and teaching management platform which of Jilin University are developed by WHATY company in Peking. 现代远程教育的开展目前都是基于没一定的教学支撑和教学管理平台进行的,吉林大学远程教育教学支撑和教学管理平台是由北京WHATY公司开发的。
- The wide use of web-based modern information technology in education has provided such a chance, and at the same time promoted the emergence and development of modern distance education (MDE for short). 以网络技术为代表的现代信息技术在教育领域中的广泛应用,为满足人们的这一需要提供了可能,同时促使了现代远程教育的产生与发展。
- Modern distance education engineering has an important effect on the advancement of social economy in our country, the advent of knowledge economy, and improvement of general national power. 现代远程教育工程对推动我国社会经济的发展,迎接知识经济的到来,提高我国的综合国力产生了极大的影响。
- Modern distance education is a new type of education that was bought about by the development of modern information technology and an important means of constructing a life-long learning system for people in the age of knowledge economy. 现代远程教育是随着现代信息技术的发展而产生的一种新型教育方式,是构筑知识经济时代人们终身学习体系的主要手段。