- I don't mind one way or another. 这样或那样我不在乎。
- We could meet today or tomorrow-I don't mind one way or the other. 我们可以在今天或明天见面,哪一天对我都行。
- And I think one does better to mind one's own business. 我认为一个人还是少管闲事为好。
- Don't fret your mind one minute. Old Joe just believes in taking precautions. 你一点也不用着急,老约只不过相信凡事以预防为好。
- The peace of mind one enjoys while travelling in level country is suddenly shattered by the sight of precipitous cliffsides. 车行平原时的舒坦,刹那间被峭壁悬崖处的惊险扫得无影无踪。
- The story you just told brings to mind one strange thing that once happened to me. 你刚才讲的故事使我回想起了我经历过的一件奇怪事情。
- To mind one's own business is not a form of thought, Mr. Mont, it's an instinct. 各人管自己的事情并不是一种思想方式,孟特先生,这是本能。
- And the years pass, they drift away from our mind one by one like leaves in the autumn. 随着时间的流逝,在我们的脑海时他的飘浮的不定的就像秋天一片一片的落叶。
- The scale and spirit of the iron creatures on display brought to mind one image: mechanical dinosaurs without skin. 铁家伙们展示出的块头和精神劲儿使人想起一个形象:没有皮肤的机械恐龙。
- Let me write a loving great song with the loving Psalter table, let I play to ring with the loving mind one song loving melody. 让我用爱的诗篇谱写一首爱的赞歌,让我用爱的心灵奏响一曲爱的旋律。
- Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits. 16要彼此同心。不要志气高大,倒要俯就卑微的人。(人或作事)不要自以为聪明。
- Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits. 16要彼此同心。不要志气高大,倒要俯就卑微的人。(人或作事)不要自以为聪明。
- Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits. 要彼此同心。不要志气高大,倒要俯就卑微的人。(或作事)要自以为聪明。
- At that time, Kwok had no inkling that he would one day start an agribusiness,never mind one listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. 在那时,郭并无任何迹象可看出将来有一天他会创办农业综合企业,更不用说会成为香港证劵交易所所登记上市的股票。
- If with an impure mind one speaks or acts, suffering follows him in the same way as the wheel follows the foot of the drawer (of the chariot). 若人以邪恶之心言行,痛苦将跟随著他,有如车轮跟随拉车之牛的足蹄。
- The myriad causes of its demise have been thoroughly chronicled but to my mind one stands out: The custodians of GM simply gave up trying to build the best cars in the world. 通用汽车崩溃的诸多原因的记载已经无比详尽,但我认为这里面只有一个最重要的原因:通用汽车的管理者放弃了试图打造全球最好汽车的努力。
- If with an impure mind one performs any action of speech or body, then suffering will follow that person as the cartwheel follows the foot of the draught animal. 若言谈举止出于不净之心,则痛苦亦步亦趋,如车轮紧随于拖车牲口之足后。
- Do you mind if I draw up the blinds? 我卷起窗帘你不反对吧?
- One need an agile mind to solve puzzles. 解谜必须有机灵的头脑。
- Mary was the strong minded one of the family and invariably worked her will on the others. 玛丽是家里性格要强的人,她总是要别人按照她的意志行事。