- metabolic body size 代谢[性]体重
- Minerals act as co-factors in metabolic body functions. 矿物质在人体新陈代谢功能方面扮演辅助因子的角色。
- Most dinosaurs have very small brains relative to their body size. 大多数恐龙的大脑相对于其身体来说是相当小的。
- The maximum body size for a fixed content length message, in bytes. 固定内容长度消息的最大主体大小,以字节为单位。
- The animal with the largest brain proportion to its body size is the ant. 动物中与身体相比头部最大的是蚂蚁。
- The maximum body size for an HTTP message sent from MobiLink server, in bytes. 自MobiLink服务器发送的HTTP消息的最大主体大小,单位为字节。
- Tusks range in shape and size and are not proportionate to body size. 海象长牙的形状、大小与它们的体型是不成比例的。
- Compared to body size, the primate brain is larger than that of other animals. 相对身躯而言,灵长目动物的大脑比其他动物的大脑都要大些。
- Q. (1998) “The correlation between body size and nest size of damselfishes. 1999。台湾海洋环境的生态教育。
- It is customary to use a relatively heavy bodied size. 通常使用很稠的浆料。
- The size of a panther it has the longest canine teeth relative to body size of any cat. 婆罗洲云豹的大小与小型美洲狮相当,其犬齿长度相对于体型来说居猫科动物之首。
- One thing both elephant, manatee and walrus have in common is massive body size. 大象、海牛和海象都有一个大而重的身体尺寸。
- Men usually have a higher metabolic rate and energy requirement than women as most men have larger body sizes, higher percentages of lean muscles and lower percentages of body fat. 男性通常比女性有更高的新陈代谢率和热量需要,因为大部分男性的体型较大,肌肉百分比较高,体内脂肪百分比亦较低。
- So in proportion to its body size, the chimp has four times as much brain as the elephant - more brain for less body. 所以与它的体重比,猩猩的大脑是大象的4倍 ? 较小的身体有着较大的大脑。
- Scaling exponents were least for the Sauropoda which may have grown less massive to function at their great body size. 这种身体体形程度指数对蜥脚类恐龙来说也不那么适用,因为它们不会长到过分的巨大而笨重,这是为 了使其体形大小与身体功能相适应。
- Those who are ascending are massing out in body size and the cranium is expanding. 提升者们正增大身体尺寸并扩张颅腔。
- This subspecies shows differences with A. a. punctatissima in both body size and elytral maculation. 本亚种在体型及斑纹与锚纹虎甲虫有所差异。
- All fourteen species of Darwin's finches differ from each other in body size and/or bill, size and shape. 达尔文于1835年登上该群岛的所见所闻对其进化理论的形成有很大促进作用。
- Susceptibility to hypothermia depends not only on the conditions of exposure but also on body size. 易于患低温症,并不仅在于所处环境,而且与身体有关。