- merging into urban education 城市教育融入
- Merging into urban society 城市融入
- Twilight was merging into darkness. 暮色渐浓。
- Twilight merged into total darkness. 暮色四合,渐而一片漆黑。
- The building is conceived as two buildings merging into one. 这座建筑是的构思是二合一的想法。
- Where does this stream merge into the Rhine? 这条小河在什么地方与莱茵河合流?
- My friends merged into the crowd and I lost sight of them. 我的朋友们消失在人群中,我看不到他们了。
- The privatization of the broadcasting stations of early China is an attempt for the mass media to be modernized and also an epitome of Chinese urban culture merging into the whole world. 中国早期广播电台的民营,既是大众媒介走向"现代性"的尝试,也是中国都市文化融入"世界性"的缩影。
- The small banks were merged into one large organization. 这几家小银行合并成一个大机构。
- "Tibet is the only region in China where urban education levels are lower than those of rural migrants from the rest of China," Mr.Fischer says. 他说:“西藏的城市居民教育水平比来自中国其他地区的农村移民还要低,这在中国是绝无仅有的。”
- One colour merged into the other. 一种颜色融合在另一种颜色中。
- This morning I had an experience of merging into totality, so I wrote F1344 and it is attached. 今晨我得了一个融入整体的体验,因此我写了F1344且档案附呈。
- Boccia, J.A., Ackerman, R., and Christensen, C. (1997). The Lowell Leadership Academy: Meeting the challenges of urban school leadership. Urban Education , 31(5), 545-563. 林文律(民88a):校长职务与校长职前教育、导入教育与在职进修。发表于现代教育论坛(四):校长专业教育与专业发展。台北:国立台北师范学院承办。
- General Bank has merged into Cathay Bank! 万通银行已与国泰银行正式合并!
- To become merged into one; unite. 结合混合;成为一体
- Nongovernmental investment has also gone into urban garbage disposal and sewage works. 至于城市的垃圾、污水处理,目前也有民间资金进去。
- Can one colour merge into another? 一种颜色能与另一种颜色混合在一起吗?
- Scientific preservation and development of culture means injecting vitality into urban development. 银川市市长白雪山感言:科学传承历史文化,就是在增强城市发展的生命力。
- Further west are the vast landscapes of the great plains, merging into the baking outback in the northwest. 再往西,是辽阔平原一望无垠的风景,它们在西北方融进了灼热的内陆。
- The insurance market is expected to boom with the entry of various commercial insurance into urban families. 随着各类商业保险逐步走入城市家庭,今年中国保险市场有望进一步升温。