- He got the answer by mental arithmetic. 他用心算得出了答案。
- He is good at mental arithmetic. 他擅长心算。
- mental arithmetic task 心算任务
- Study on approximate entropy of electronic encephalograph signal under different mental arithmetic tasks 不同难度心算时脑电信号近似熵研究
- Introduction: Small game interesting exercise your mental arithmetic ability to try? 趣味小游戏锻炼你的心算能力想试一试吗?
- Conclusion Addition of Abacus Mental Arithmetic training children to listen to accelerate the process of mental... 结论珠心算训练儿童加法听心算过程加快,珠心算训练有利于提高儿童的数字认知和心算反应速度。
- In working memory,we manipulate these elements,performing pattern matching,mental arithmetic,mental projection of situations,and many other forms of active processing. 在工作记忆中,我们使用这些元素: 执行模式匹配、心算、对情况的心理上的投射和许多其他的正在处理的形式。
- Effects of 5 and 20Hz magnetic field(MF) on brain response were compared in 22 normal subjects during selective response(SRP) and selective mental arithmetic(SMA). 基于在脑电频率范围内的磁场剌激对脑过程可能有调制作用的假设,并在已取得结果的基础上,本文在22名正常被试者中比较了5Hz和20Hz的磁场剌激对进行选择反应(SRP)和选择心算(SMA)时脑反应的影响。
- In working memory, we manipulate these elements, performing pattern matching, mental arithmetic, mental projection of situations, and many other forms of active processing. 在工作记忆中,我们使用这些元素:执行模式匹配、心算、对情况的心理上的投射和许多其他的正在处理的形式。
- Te test of intelligence physiological age included mental arithmetic, digit symbol, reaction time, count, digit width, tracking manipulation and nonsense figure recognition. 测试内容共7项:心算速度、数字符号、动作反应、计数、数字广度、跟踪操作和无意义图形再认。
- This culminated in a five-minute mental arithmetic test, something that would normally prove unbearably embarrassing for people with a phobia of social situations, but the subjects displayed a markedly decreased fear level. 实验在5分钟的心算测验时达到高潮,通常这会让恐惧社交的人极度害羞,但实验结果明显地看出恐惧感降低。
- Set in a similar background of sub-jective feeling,the mental arithmetic oper-ations were found to be able to cause obviouschanges in blood pressure,galvanic skin re-sponse(GSR)and finger temperature. 发现主观感受相似的背景下,心算同样可引起明显的血压与皮电反应变化与较慢的指温变化,验证了心身相关理论的正确性。
- A man sitting next to Ford at the bar looked at the two men, looked at the six pints, did a swift burst of mental arithmetic, arrived at an answer he liked and grinned a stupid hopeful grin at them. 在酒吧里靠近福特坐着的人看了一下他们俩,和那六品脱啤酒,然后进行了一次快速的突发神经运算,得到了一个让他喜欢的答案,于是他愚蠢的对他们咧嘴,露出包含希望的笑容。
- a quick bit of mental arithmetic 快速心算
- He got the answer by mental arithmetic 他用心算得出了答案。
- He had only an imperfect understanding of his task. 他对自己的任务只是一知半解。
- A part of this urgent task was allotted to us. 这项紧急任务的一部分分给了我们。
- He decided to go all out to fulfil the task. 他决心全力以赴地去完成任务。
- I must fulfil my task by some means or other. 我总得想个办法完成任务。