- Science and technology medium organization 科技中介机构
- Small and medium organizations may have only one administrator; larger organizations may subdivide the administrator role into multiple job titles. 中小型组织可能只有一个管理员;较大型的组织可能将管理员角色细分为多个职务。
- Zimbabwe's draconian media laws prohibited any journalist or media organization not approved by the government from operating. 津巴布韦媒体法相当严厉,禁止任何未经许可的记者或新闻媒体进行运作。
- Small and medium organizations may have only one administrator; larger organizations may subdivide the administrator role into multiple jobs. 中小型单位可能只有一个管理员;较大的单位可能将管理员角色再细分为多个职务。
- With mobile computing and networking technologies,participatory journalism is thriving outside of the media organization system. 在移动技术和网络技术的推动下,参与新闻在传统媒体系统外部逐渐兴盛开来。
- Small and medium organizations may have only one database administrator job title that is assigned all administrator tasks. 中小型单位可能只有一个数据库管理员职位,该管理员承担所有的管理员任务。
- We call it, Social Media Organizer or Social Media aggregator. 我们称之为,社会媒体组织者或社会媒体聚合器。
- The substantial contents of the "lubricating mechanism" are market medium organizations represented by information service system, factor supply organizations, sale network. “润滑机制”的实体内容是市场中介组织,表现为信息服务体系、要素供给组织、销售网络;
- English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school. 英语不是我校通常使用的教学语言。
- Even foreign media organizations have been hounded out of the country. 就连外国的媒体都被辛巴威政府赶出国门。
- If a foreign media organization intends to close its bureau in China, it should notify the Information Department30 working days in advance and return and nullify its Permanent Bureau License. 外国新闻机构如需关闭其驻华机构,应提前30个工作日通知新闻司,并交回注销外国常驻新闻机构证。
- This charity is a nonprofit organization. 这个慈善团体是个非盈利性组织。
- An ASCII control character, end of medium. 一种ASCII码控制字符,媒体结束符。
- From its founding until today, the Troupe has performed several hundred International Dancesport performances for CCTV, a variety of large-scale work units, and media organization performance events. 成立至今已经为中央电视台、各大型单位、媒体组织的表演活动,出演过国标舞节目数百场。
- This cloth is of medium quality. 这种布质量平平。
- Secondly, in Singapore, media are already privatized , which means media organization are owned by various shakeholders in terms of government, private sectors, NGO, financial organization,ect. 第二;新加坡的媒体是私有化.;也就是说是由不同的股东所有;包括如政府;私人企业
- They have established a student organization. 他们建立了一个学生组织。
- He was briefly associated with that organization. 他同那个组织有过短时间的联系。
- He prefers a happy medium in life. 他在生活中甘居中游。
- The economics have changed forever, and I suspect these kinds of sites will bedevil traditional media organizations. 经济已经永远地改变了,并且我怀疑这些站点将困扰传统媒体组织。