- Capital is the classical representative work of Marxian economics, which reveals the economic relationships of capitalism, through studying the means of market allocation of resources in capitalism. 马克思在其经典性代表作《资本论》中通过研究资本主义市场配置资源的方式来揭示资本主义的经济关系。
- Legal analysis of the allocation of resources in market II. 资源市场化配置的法学分析2。
- Allocation of resources between policy area groups. 各政策组别之间的资源分配情况。
- Market is an effective means in allocation of resources. 摘要市场是配置资源的有效手段。
- market allocation of resources 市场配置资源
- 2) modern enterprise theories such as the theory of transaction cost and economics of new system have proved that the enterprise is an important carrier to the market allocation of resources. (2)市场配置资源的目的在于提高经济效益,其运作需要一定的载体。 交易成本理论、新制度经济学理论等现代企业理论证明,在一个有效的经济体系中,不仅需要市场,而且需要适度规模的企业组织,企业是市场配置资源的重要载体,市场化农业需要企业化的载体。
- The market now plays an essential role in the allocation of resources. 市场机制在资源配置中发挥着基础性作用。
- Austrian-born British economist. He shared a1974 Nobel Prize for work on the theory of optimum allocation of resources. 海克,弗雷德里希·奥古斯特·冯生于1899出生于奥地利的英国经济学家,因在能源最佳配置理论方面的研究而获1974年诺贝尔奖
- The companies merged to optimize the allocation of resources. 为了优化资源配置,这几家公司并产了。
- Make sure that the market forces play an essential role in the allocation of resources under the state's macroeconomic control. 使市场在国家宏观调控下对资源配置起基础性作用。
- Third the market economy as a whole this new model to the framework of a larger more levels to achieve more efficient allocation of resources. 再次,对于整个市场经济来说,这种新型的购物模式可在更大的范围内、更多的层面上以更高的效率实现资源配置。
- We should give a fuller play to the basic role of the market in the allocation of resources and build up a unified,open,competitive and orderly modern market system. 在更大程度上发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用,健全统一、开放、竞争、有序的现代市场体系。
- Thus, the price system is a mechanism that coordinates individual, decentralized decisions which in turn control the allocation of resources in a market economy. 因此价格体系是一种起着协调个体和分散决策的机械作用,反过来控制市场经济中的资源分配。
- To build socialist harmonious society, viewed from angle of economies, is to overcome ineffectiveness of allocation of resources caused by market disorder. 摘要构建社会主义和谐社会,从经济学角度分析,就是要克服市场失灵带来的资源配置无效率,因而必须要求政府的参与。
- This project may exhaust the allocation of resources needed for other services. 这个项目可能会耗尽应该用于其他服务的资源。
- We should give a fuller play to the basic role of the market in the allocation of resources and build up a unified, open, competitive and orderly modern market system. 在更大程度上发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用,健全统一、开放、竞争、有序的现代市场体系。
- Market economy is the most important price mechanism, but the decontrol of prices, such a mechanism in order to optimize the allocation of resources without distortions. 市场经济的最为重要的正是价格机制,惟有放开价格,才能使这种机制在优化配置资源上不受扭曲。
- The market mechanism as the basic allocator of resources strengthened. 市场机制在资源配置中的基础性作用得到加强。
- The dual allocations of labors income, namely market allocation and capitalizing allocation, form the twice allocations in the process of income allocation. 劳动力收入的二重分配,即市场分配与资本化分配,它是劳动力参与分配过程的两次分配,也是分配的两种形式。
- They must implement reforms to reduce distortions, improve the allocation of resources, and increase domestic savings. 他们必须进行改革以减少扭曲,改善资源的配置和增加国内积累。