- molecular marker assistant selection 分子标记辅助选择
- The QTL analysis of multiple phenotypic traits provides the basis for marker assisted selection (MAS) of important agronomic characters. 多表型性状的数量性状分析,为重要的农艺性状标记辅助选择(MAS)提供基础。
- Using marker assisted selection techniques, plant breeders have managed to overcome these two problems, by developing canola oil which has high oleic acid content. 植物育种家利用标记物选择技术,通过培育出油酸含量很高的菜籽油,已经解决了上述两个问题。
- This paper reviewed the application of genetic marker in studying the origin,classification,genetic diversity,map construct and molecular marker assisted selection of melon. 综述了遗传标记在研究甜瓜起源地、分类、遗传多样性、图谱构建及分子辅助育种等方面的应用。
- molecular marker assistant selective breeding 分子标记辅助选择
- Consequently, molecule genetic markers linked to economic traits were researched which could provide the new research method to marker assisted selection of the poultry breeding. 因此,研究和寻找与经济性状连锁的分子遗传标记,则可为家禽育种工作中的标记辅助选择提供新的手段。
- biochemical marker assisted selection 生化标记辅助选择
- molecular marker assisted selection 分子标记辅助选择
- In order to utilizes marker assisted selection in Angora rabbits, four microsatellite markers (sat13, sol33, so144 and sat4) were genotyped for 200 angora rabbits in this experiment. 为在长毛兔群体中实施标记辅助选择,对200只长毛兔的sat13、sol33、sat4、so1444个微卫星位点进行了检测。
- Keywords backcross breeding;marker assisted selection;sample size; 回交育种;标记辅助选择;样本容量;
- marker assistant selection 辅助育种
- Genetic Effect of the Marker Assisted Selection on Economic Traits of Goats 山羊经济性状标记辅助选择的遗传效应分析
- Green Rice Leafhopper Resistance Gene Transferring Through Backcrossing and CAPS Marker Assisted Selection 水稻叶蝉抗性基因回交转育和CAPS标记辅助选择
- A SCAR Marker Applicable in Marker Assisted Selection of a Dominant Male Sterility Gene in Cabbage 一个用于甘蓝显性雄性不育基因转育辅助选择的SCAR标记
- Hybrid Rice Resistant to Bacterial Blight Developed by Marker Assisted Selection 抗白叶枯病杂交水稻的分子标记辅助育种
- Molecular Marker Assisted Selection and Pyramiding of Two QTLs for Fiber Strength in Upland Cotton 分子标记辅助聚合两个棉纤维高强主效QTLs的选择效果
- Preliminary Study of Cotton Fiber Strength Breeding Effect by Molecular Marker Assisted Selection 棉花纤维强度分子标记辅助育种效果初报
- Keywords Silkworm (Bombyx mori L.);SSR marker;Genetic diversity;Molecular linkage map;Cocoon quality;QTL Non-susceptible to DNV-Z (nsd-Z);Marker assisted selection; 家蚕;SSR标记;遗传多样性;分子连锁图;茧质性状;QTL;对浓核病不感染基因;分子标记辅助选择;
- Identification of molecular markers linked with gene can promote the development of MAS (molecular assistant selection) and map-based cloning. 摘要分子标记的获取有助于辅助选择育种和基因的图位克隆。
- This indicated that SRAP marker is more efficient than SSR marker for the prediction of yield heterosis, and can be used as an effective measure in marker assistant prediction in hybrid breeding. 表明SRAP标记对产量杂种优势预测的效果要显著高于SSR标记预测的效果,是目前为止报道的通过鉴定亲本遗传多态性预测油菜杂种优势最为有效的分子标记手段,可作为油菜杂种优势预测的一种有效辅助方法。