- The ants go marching two by two.Hurrah!Hurrah! 蚂蚁两只两只地在行军。好哇!好哇!
- marching two by two 两个两个地行进
- The children went in two by two. 孩子们两个两个地进去。
- The children came in two by two. 孩子们两个两个地进来了。
- The children came in two by two (= in groups of two). 孩子们一对一对地走了进来。
- Lakka-trees ripen two by two And mandarin-ducks die side by side. 梧桐相待老, 鸳鸯会双死;
- They were seaed two by two, with six-foot-tall dividers betwe the cubicles. 2个人坐一排,每个格子用6英尺高的办公墙分开。
- Middle age is the period in life when your children leave you one by one,only to return two by two. 中年是孩子们一个一个离开你、而终归一双双回来的时期。
- Two by two they came into the ark to Noah, male and female, as God had commanded Noah. 都是一对一对的,有公有母,到挪亚那里进入方舟,正如神所吩咐挪亚的。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。
- Creates a transformMatrix matrix (a two by two identity matrix plus a zero-translation vector). 创建一个transformMatrix矩阵(2x2单位矩阵加上零平移向量)。
- And they went into the ark to Noah, two by two of all flesh in which was the breath of life. 凡有血肉、有生命气息的,都一对一对的到挪亚那里,进入方舟。
- Middle age: the period in life when your children leave you one by one, only to return two by two. 中年——是孩子们一个一个离开你、而终归一双双回来的时期。
- And he called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits. 耶稣叫了十二个门徒来,差遣他们两个两个的出去,也赐给他们权柄,制伏污鬼;
- Of the long company of notables who followed two by two she recognised only three, whom Lester had pointed out to her in times past. 后面成对跟着的一大群送丧人中,她只认识三个,都是雷斯脱从前指给她看过的。
- In March two children died of starvation. 在三月份,两个孩子死于饥荒。
- Now after these things, the Lord appointed seventy others and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to come. 这些事以后,主又选立另外七十个人,差遣他们两个两个的,在他前面往自己所要到的各城各地去。
- When the young girls were left alone, they leaned two by two on the window-sills, chatting, craning out their heads, and talking from one window to the other. 那几位姑娘独自留下,两个两个地伏在窗子边上闲谈,伸着头,隔窗对语。
- He won the golf match by two shots. 他以两杆的成绩赢得了这场高尔夫球赛。
- When the bell rang again, we all went downstairs, two by two, and silently entered the cold, badly lit schoolroom for prayers. 铃声再次响起时,我们一对一对地下楼,静静地走进寒冷、阴暗的教室祈祷。