- Primary coil induces current in secondary coil. 初级线圈在次级线圈中产生电流。
- Plasmatron is a transformer in which plasma serves as a secondary coil. 该等离子体发生器是一种以等离子体作为二次线圈的变压器。
- The number of turns of wire in the secondary coil is the same as the number of turns in the primary. 次级线圈的圈数和初线线圈圈数一样。
- How many turns were there in the game? 那场球对打了几个回合?
- Our fate will much turn on the manager's decision. 我们的命运将取决于经理的决定。
- When the core is displaced, the inductive reactance of the secondary coil is unbalanced. 当铁芯移动时,次线圈的感抗就不平衡。
- By using pulse signal inspiriting, induction voltage of secondary coil may be measured to calculate magnetic permeability and cable stress. 选用脉冲式的恒定电流激励,测量感应线圈上感应电压的变化来反映拉力的情况。
- As the local NAACP chief, he often hears allegations of racism, but many turn out to be minor or groundless. 作为地方NAACP主席,他也常听到种族主义的主张,但那毕竟是少数人或者根本毫无根据。
- An electrical transformer in which the primary and secondary coils have some or all windings in common. 自耦变压器一种电力变压器,其初级线圈与次级线圈部分或全部共用
- The fluctuating magnetic field cutting across the turns of loops of wire of the secondary coil sets up an electrical pressure or voltage in these loops. 起伏变化的磁场横向切割着的次级线圈的线匝或线环时,会在这些线环中引起电压。
- Thousands of such incidents are reported around the world each year, though many turn out to be hoaxes(12) or natural phenomena. 每年,这样的新闻都有几千起,但是其中很多最终都被证实为骗局或者自然现象。
- The fluctuating mangnetic field cutting across the turns or loops of wire of the secondary coil sets up an electrical pressure or voltage in these loops. 起伏变化的磁场横向切割着次极线圈的线匝和线环时,会在这些线环中引起电压。
- Thousands of such incidents are reported around the world each year, though many turn out to be hoaxes or natural phenomena. 每年世界各地有成千上万这样的事情发生,很多事件最后的真相或是恶作剧,或是自然现象.
- In one way, primary and secondary coils are wound around the space. 有一种方法是把初级线圈和次级线圈绕在这个地方。
- In addition, one cylindrical-shaped ferromagnetic sensor including one primary coil and the secondary coil based on magneto-elastic effect is discussed. 讨论了一种双套筒结构的索力传感器,包含激励线圈,感应线圈。
- To avoid this problem, many turn to “target date” funds, which invest in equities in the early years for growth and switch to safer government bonds as retirement approaches. 为了避免这个问题,许多人采用“预定日”基金,即在前些年投资增长性的权益类资产,并在退休开始时转为较为安全的政府债券。
- The sensor is made up of original circuit, magnetic core, Hall part, secondary coil and magnifier.There are two work modes: direct measure mode and closed-loop mode. 其结构由原边电路、聚磁环、霍尔器件、次级线圈和放大电路等组成,分直测式和磁补偿式两种工作方式。
- I felt like passing out after one too many turns on the roller-coster. 座了太多遍的过山车后,我感觉我快晕倒了。
- This tool improves Macromedia Fireworks interface by turning secondary windows ( palettes, properties etc. 不背字根,不记代码,简单熟悉规则,立马快速打字。
- The stranger from Scotland used many turns of expression which were new to his listeners. 这位来自苏格兰的陌生人用了许多让听众感到很生疏的表达方式。