- The only charge on which they were held was that their confinement was "per speciale mandatum domini regis"--by the special command of the Lord King. 对五人的唯一指控是抓捕他们是应国王的特别命令执行的。
- expressio unius est exclusio alterius 指明其一,即排除其他
- 2. In aliis casibus potest unum ex contendentibus interrogare non solum ad instantiam alterius partis,sed etiam ex officio.quoties agitur de illustranda probatione adducta. 在其他案件中,不仅可依他方当事人的请求讯问讼争人中的一方,而且也可依职权这样做,只要是为了证明事实所必要的。
- mandatum [法] 委任, 托管, 委任契约