- Could you make time to type it for me? 你能抽空帮我把它打出来吗?
- Making time for hobbies is difficult. 抽时间培养业余爱好很难。
- Thank you for making time to see me. 谢谢你抽时间来看我。
- It was a way to make time pass quickly. 这样可以很快地打发掉时间。
- Thank you for making time to meet with me. 谢谢你腾出时间见我。
- We'll have to make time to catch that early bus. 要赶早班车,我们还得走快点儿。
- I'll make time if it's important. 我可以抽时间,如果事情重要的话。
- He tried to make time with the new neighbor. 他试图获取新邻居的好感
- I think mothers should make time for their children. 我认为母亲应当留出时间与孩子相处。
- Now that the entire staff is back at work they are all making time. 全体人员一回来,就全在弥补损失的时间。
- Bill is making time with the girls at the office,isn't he? 比尔是在讨办公室里姑娘们的欢心,是吧?
- They're just making time until their loan goes through. 在贷款落实之前,他们只能闲等着。
- I appreciate your making time in your schedules to attend today . 感谢各位在百忙之中抽出时间来参加今天的会议。
- We have to make time if we want to meet the client on time. 如果要准时见客户的话,一定要赶快。
- God made time,but man made haste. 上帝创造时间,人类制造匆忙。
- You boys sure found a way to make time pass up there. 看来你们两个在山上过得还挺开心的嘛。
- This makes time more valuable than money. 这使得时间比金钱更加宝贵。
- I say, make time to dance alone with one hand waving free. 我说,让时间和我独自翩翩起舞,任手挥摆。
- Make time to relax at work by stretching and breathing deeply. 上班时找时间休息,可以伸腰和深呼吸。
- Always make time, but others, We Exertion !We Exertion ? 时间总是让人等,却不等人,我们在耗着!我们在耗着什么?