- They may also transfer the thrust to sound rock at a low elevation. 他们也可以将推力传到高程较低的良好岩石上。
- Palaeocurrent measurements suggest a northward direction,indicating that the Kunlun area was at low elevation. 中新世的沉积以细颗粒泥岩和砂岩为主,表明物源区较远 ,古流域坡度较小,搬运距离较长。
- Low elevation greenbelt is an ecological facility of rainwater infiltration,but its design method is not standardized. 下凹式绿地是一种生态型的雨水渗透设施,目前还没有相关设计规范。
- Karachi was swamped by tidal bore due to low elevation but was made worse when its eastern side was pulled slightly downwards when India got pushed under the Himalayas. 由于海拔较低,卡拉奇被潮汐淹没了。更糟的是,当印度被挤推到喜马拉雅山脉之下的时候,卡拉奇的东部又稍微被往下拉低了。
- The world only distributes in Australia's eastern part Queensland state, New south wales and the Victoria area low elevation, in not the crowded tuart forest. 全世界仅分布在澳洲的东部昆士兰州、新南威尔斯和维多利亚地区低海拔、不密集的桉树林中。
- In recent years, Crested ibis preferred to build nest at site of lower elevation. 近年来朱鹮营巢地的海拔高度逐渐降低。
- low elevation sea-surface target 掠海机动目标
- low elevation target moving along fixed airway 低仰角固定航路目标
- Of the 14 conic hills, the one with the lowest elevation is named Yaoquan Shan or Medicinal Spring Hill which has now been turned into a good health resort. 14座火山中,“药泉山”最小,是疗养胜地。
- There are two commonly seen Oxalis at low elevations in Taiwan.One is the Oxalis, which is smaller in size and repent. 在台湾平野常见的酢浆草有两种,一种是酢浆草,它的植株较小,匍匐生长,开黄花,结蒴果,果实成熟时,假种皮会与种皮剥离,而将蒴果爆裂弹出种子。
- In addition to occurring at low elevations, this species is found at ca. 1500 m on mountainous plateaus in Thailand. 除分布在低海拔之外,本种还在泰国约1500米的高原被发现。
- It is a medium sized, epiphyte or terrestrial with an erect growth habit found on trees in open or dense forests at low elevations up to 1500m. 这是一个中型、真菌或地面上发现有树木生长习性直立不限于低海拔密林或上升至1500。
- One refugium was east China and the low elevations of southwest plateau, the other rufugium, we suppose to be the Korea Peninsula. 一个避难所在东部季风区以及西南高原区的山谷低地,另一个避难所,我们认为是朝鲜半岛。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- The singer forced his low notes. 那位歌手勉强唱出低音。
- He because of bashful but low head. 他因羞愧而低下了头。
- The ship lay keeled over at low tide. 那艘船因退潮而倾覆。
- Acquisition test at the lowest elevation 低仰角截获试验
- My home town lies low in a hidden valley. 我的家乡位于一个隐蔽的山谷里。
- Low grades are getting Hellen down. 低分数使海伦闷闷不乐。