a stylized or decorative knot used as an emblem of love
用作名词 (n.)
Because his marginal family in the main trend society, Sima Qian and his father had a common culture love knot and wished came back to main trend society. 司马迁出身于一个没落的官宦贵族家庭,在这个被主流社会边缘化的家庭里,希望被主流社会重新接纳和认同是司马谈和司马迁父子一个共同的文化情结。
On the heart-broken way I am pining with love inwardly. 暗自相思断肠路。
It is said that dews are tears that stars shed, but I will tell you they are my love tears. 都说露珠是星星掉下的眼泪,可我要对你说那是我相思的泪水。