- The news of their marriage knocked me for a loop. 他们结婚的消息使我大吃一惊。
- loop tweed 无圈粗花呢
- The road makes a wide loop around the lake. 这条路沿湖绕一大圈。
- A loop fastened to a belt to hold a tool or weapon. 挂武器环固定在腰带上拴工具或武器的环套
- One loop or winding of a coiled rope or cable. 一卷绳索,一捆船索卷起的绳子或钢丝的一圈或一卷
- The loop becomes magnetic when the current is switched on. 通电时线圈就会有磁性。
- A tweed texture trench coat is very "in" now. 斜纹软呢织纹的风衣外套现在很流行。
- Never wear tweed coat and flannel trousers. 千万不要穿花呢上衣配法兰绒裤。
- The loop of string makes a handle for the parcel. 细绳结的环做成包裹的拎襻。
- A. He looks casual just wearing a tweed suit. 注释4.;另外,人的神情也能体现一个人的形象。
- Tweed is one of the best men's suiting. 粗花呢是一种最好的男装衣料。
- Martha was wearing a heavy tweed coat. 玛莎穿著一件花呢厚大衣。
- A tweed texture trench coast is very "in"now. 斜纹软呢织纹的风衣外套现在很流行。
- I bought a skirt length of tweed. 我买了一段够做一条裙子的花呢料。
- Loop that end of the rope through this and knot it. 把绳子的这一头儿从这里穿过然后打结。
- We present you the Everybody Mid Lux Tweed. 我们提出您大家中间勒克斯花呢。
- He looks casual just wearing a tweed suit. 他穿了一件花格子衬衫,看上去很随便。
- We want Berwick Upon Tweed back. 141 个新帖(共 141 个) Fred J.
- This control may be closed loop or open loop. 控制可以是闭环的也可以是开环的。
- It was a miniskirt in beige[18]) tweed[19]). 那是一条米色的斜纹软呢迷妳裙。