- The simple logical function electric circuit still exists. 简单的逻辑功能电路依然存在。
- A table that describes a logic function by listing all possible combinations of input values and indicating, for each combination, the true output values. 描述逻辑函数的一种表,表中列出输入值的全部可能组合,并列出与每种输入组合相对应的实际的输出值。
- Reversible circuit realizes a bijective reversible logic function. 可逆电路实现的是一个双射的可逆逻辑函数功能。
- The logic function of this DET shift register is proved by PSPICE simulation. 该移位寄存器的功能已用PSPICE程序模拟验证。
- Logic function and characteristics of the OSD controller were verified in FPGA. 利用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)进行验证和性能测试,满足设计要求。
- With a NIF as optical bistable device, the optical switch and the logical function are demonstrated. 应用干涉滤光片作为一种光学双稳器件,演示了光学逻辑开关功能。
- Combining the teaching practice of mathematical circuit, the paper summarisesand probes into the method of simplification of Karnaugh Map in Logical Function. 本文结合数字电路教学实践,总结、探讨逻辑函数的卡诺图化简方法。
- The program indicates: The arithmetic can carry on accurate and fast predigest to the complicated logic function of changeable quantity. 程序应用表明:算法能对多变量复杂逻辑函数进行准确快速的化简。
- Results show that the novel structure can realize the logic function of an adder successfully. 结果显示,这种新的全加器能正确完成加法器的逻辑功能。
- Karnaugh map plays an important role in the simplification of logic function and the design of logic circuit. 摘要卡诺图在逻辑函数的化简和逻辑电路的设计中,有着重要作用。
- This paper introduces application of realizing logic function with LSI or MSI and gives a method. 本文通过实例给出应用中、大规模集成电路组件实现逻辑函数的方法与途径。
- This DET flip-flop is proved having a complete logic function shown by PSPICE simulation. 该触发器已用PSPICE程序模拟验证了具有完整的功能。
- Karnow's chart is a common using method for simplified logical fUnction, in this paper, the method and steps are obtained by means of the analyses of the practical examples. 卡诺图是简化逻辑函数的常用方法。本文通过举例分析合并相邻方格最小项的规律、技巧及方法;最后归纳总结用卡诺图简化逻辑函数的方法与步骤。
- The simulations with PSPICE prove that the designed circuit has correct logic function. PSPICE模拟证明了所设计的电路具有正确的逻辑功能。
- The prerequisite of the correct use of karnaugh map is to full in the map with the given logic function correctly. 正确运用卡诺图的前提是把给定的逻辑函数正确填图,可以利用卡诺图将逻辑函数化简为各种最简表达式;
- By using matrix transformation, this method is easy to follow to design ECL circuits for multivalued logic function. 然后通过矩阵变换,将多值逻辑函数分解为适合ECL电路实现的子函数,从而得到对应电路。
- In order to avoid relativism, Galmater took a strategy of augumentation stressing the logical function of categorial duality, which drew concern from many a philosopher. 伽达默尔为规避相对主义而采取的范畴二重性逻辑功能的论证策略引起众多哲学家的关注。
- The system bus is divided into three logical functions; the address bus, the data bus and the control bus. 系统总线的功能在逻辑上被划分为三部分:地址总线、数据总线和控制总线。
- According to different methods of simplifying logic function,this thesis discussed the method of simplifying Karnaugh map by using computer. 讨论了逻辑函数卡诺图化简的计算机实现, 提出了基于最大覆盖的问题求解方法。
- In microelectronics, a logic circuit with diodes performing the logic function and the transistor providing amplification and inversion action. 微电子学中的一种逻辑电路,其二极管完成逻辑功能,而晶体管完成放大和反相作用。