- liquid rotary compressor 液环压缩机
- EAL-68 with small amount of additive is suitable for R407C in frequency conversion rotary compressor of YZB-20R. EA L-68型 POE润滑油加入少量添加剂可以作为 R40 7C的 YZB-2 0 R型变频压缩机用油
- The composite gear-type compressor is a new ty pe of rotary compressor with partail built-in compressing process. 复合轮齿压缩机是一种新型的具有部分内压缩的转子压缩机。
- The new type of rotary compressor has two key parts, an outer rotor and an inner one which employs isometric curve of trochoid as its profile. 从理论上分析了一种新型内、外转子结构回转式压缩机,其内转子型线由短幅外摆线的内等距线构成。
- The leakage characteristic of Synchronal Rotary Compressor is studied.The several leakage channels is analyzed and mathematics models is created. 摘要对同步回转压缩机的泄漏特性和泄漏通道进行了分析和研究,对其主要两个泄漏通道建立了数学模型。
- Test results indicate that lubricant RO-32 and RO-40 are not suitable for R32/R134a in rotary compressor of YZG-27R, while lubricant of EAL-46 can be used. 压缩机加速寿命试验研究结果表明 :RO-3 2油和 RO-4 0油不宜作为替代工质 R3 2 /R13 4a的 YZG-2 7R型压缩机用油 ,而 EA L-4 6油可以作为 R3 2 /R13 4a的 YZG-2 7R型压缩机用油 ;
- A new type of rotary compressor is discussed. Based on short frame outer cycloid that is selected as inner profile, the inner and outer rotor's outlines are analyzed. 探讨了一种新型内、外转子啮合的压缩机结构;以短幅外摆线的内等距线为内转子型线进行了典型分析;说明内、外转子型线的形成;并提出了一种工作容积的准确计算方法.
- The present results may offer mathematical foundation for the design of the vane's reliability and for the optimization of the whole synchronal rotary compressor. 研究结果为滑板的可靠性设计及同步回转机械的整体优化提供了数学基础。
- The relationship between the volume of working chambers and rotating angles is the basis to do the thermodynamic calculation for the internal-meshing rotary compressor. 内啮合转子压缩机工作腔容积和转角变化的关系是进行压缩机热力计算的基础,目前还缺乏相应的计算公式。
- In this paper, the geometric theory and operating principle of synchronal rotary compressor for domestic air conditioner are studied in detail.The calculation formulas of working volume are deduced. 本文详细推导了同步回转式压缩机的工作容积的计算公式,全面分析了影响同步回转式压缩机的热力性能及其内部工作过程的各种因素。
- On the basis of simulation, influencing factors of thermal and dynamic Characteristic were analyzed in detail, this provides the reference of synchronal rotary compressor’s optimum design. 本文在对同步回转式压缩机进行模拟的基础上,通过模拟结果,分析了热、动力特性的影响因素,为同步回转式压缩机的优化设计提供了参考。
- Improvement Study of Muffler of Rotary Compressor 滚动转子压缩机消声器性能改进研究
- Geometric Theory for a Synchronal Rotary Compressor 同步回转式压缩机的几何理论
- EAL-68 with small amount of additive is suitable for R407C in variable frequency rotary compressors of YZB-20R. EAL-68型POE润滑油加入少量添加剂可以作为R407C的YZB-20R型变频压缩机用油。
- Oil-flooded rotary compressors -- vane, lobe, and screw -- that specify a polyalkyleneglycol lubricant. 指定使用聚醚润滑油--采用油浴润滑的叶片;叶轮和螺杆式旋转压缩机.
- rotary compressor with rolling piston 滚动活塞压缩机
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- Be careful not to lose too much liquid by evaporation. 小心,不要因为蒸发作用而失掉过多的水份。
- rolling piston type rotary compressor 滚动转子式压缩机
- The surface of the liquid gradually crusted over. 液体表面渐渐地结了一层皮。