- She was drinking booze like there was no tomorrow. 她拼命地酗酒,好像再也没有机会似的。
- The last time I saw her was in the restaurant where she was downing vast quantities of food like there was no tomorrow. 我最后一次看到她是在这家餐馆里,她正贪婪地吃着大量的食物。
- The last time I saw her was in this Chinese restaurant where she was downing vast quantities of food like there was no tomorrow. 我最后一次见到她是在这家中国餐厅里。她在这里狼吞虎咽,像是没有来日似的。
- Zhenya, you were presented with cars like there was no tomorrow? Are you already driving the car that was promised to you by Putin? 你被赠予汽车就像没有明天一样?你已经开过普京承诺给你的那辆车了吗?
- I ate as if there was no tomorrow. 我狼吞虎咽地吃着。
- She worked, to quote her daughter, "as if there was no tomorrow". 用她女儿的话讲,她工作起来"好像没有明天似的"。
- She was spending money like there's no tomorrow. 她拼命花钱,就像过了今天没有明天似的。
- like there was no tomorrow adj. 就像再也没有机会了似的
- Tom was eating like there's no tomorrow. 汤姆毫无节制地吃着。
- Why people are spending as if there were no tomorrow? 人们为何拼命花钱?
- Why are people spending as if there were no tomorrow? 为什么人们全然不顾地拼命花钱?
- Will you breast-feed with bewitching silence Treat me like I was your only son And love me like there was no morning? 你能在迷人的静谧中用你甘甜的乳汁为我哺乳吗?你会对我如同亲生儿子般无微不至吗?你会不顾一切爱我,即使不再有白昼的来临?
- When Brufinn was very young a well-dressed drifter came to town and spent his gold like there was no end to it. 当布鲁芬很小的时候,有一位衣着华丽的流浪者来到他所居住的城镇,他出手十分阔绰,好像他的金子永远也花不完。
- "A Nargileh, it might be part of the trationtradition, but it became high x in hyped like recent 5 or 6 years, like there was no Nargileh nargileh culture before . “水烟筒可能是传统的一部分,但好像最近5,6年才大肆宣传,在没有创出水烟前是没有水烟文化的。
- There was no mention of her contribution. 没提到她的贡献。
- There was no illness in the village this winter. 今年冬天这村里没什么疾病。
- Using XOS the pilot can run, walk, cope with stairs and ramps and chuck heavy weights around like there's no tomorrow. 就在媒体和关注者都在怀疑之前公布的成果只是商业炒作的时候,XOS外骨骼系统却在4月如期现身。
- Mysteriously, there was no answer when I rang. 真怪,我按了铃,但没人应。
- He toils until the wee hours, then loosens his tie and parties like there's no tomorrow. 他加班工作直至凌晨,然后松开领带,尽情狂欢,就像是没有明天。
- As soon as summer arrives, cicadas shout like there's no tomorrow:"see, see",it's so annoyingly noisy. 一到夏天,知了就没命地叫“知了,知了...”吵死人了。