- He turned off the light before going out. 他出门前把灯关掉。
- lighting before death 回光返照
- This lightning before death plays on the word. 这里的“回光返照”是双关语。
- I forgot to turn off the light before I left home. 我出门前忘了关灯了。
- Extreme Unction; The last rites before death. 给临终者涂油礼:死亡之前最后的仪式。
- Be sure to put out the light before you go to ged. 你上床前务必熄灯。
- Fame, power, wealth-all is vanity before death. 名、利和权势在死亡面前都是空幻的。
- Remember to turn off the light before you go out. 出门之前要记得关灯。
- Don't forget to turn off the light before you go. 你走以前别忘了关灯。
- I never forget turning off the light before. 我以前从没有忘记关电灯。
- Make sure to turn off the light before you go out. 离开之前请一定要关灯。
- Please put out the light before you go to bed. 上床之前请把灯关掉。
- Zhe writes down "I Love You" on the wall the night before death. 死亡临近的那一夜,哲在他俩的真爱墙上写下了他爱的誓言:"我爱你!
- Turn off the light before you leave. 离开前请把灯关掉。
- Remember to turn out the lights before you go to bed. 临睡前别忘了关灯。
- All wastes are usually eliminated from the body before death. 通常在死亡之前一切废物都从体内排出。
- Be sure to put off the light before you go out. 在你出去别忘了关灯。
- Make sure to turn off the light before you leave. 临走前一定要熄灯。
- Please turn out the light before you go to bed. 请在睡觉前关灯。
- She said she wanted to see the sea, reef and crabs under reef before death. 她说她想在临死之前看看大海,看看海边的礁石,还有礁石下的小螃蟹。