- The logic system of Laotze's legal thought is extremely tight. 摘要老子法律思想的逻辑体系极其严密。
- Marx’s thought of proprietary rights is a scientific theory system, which adopts historical materialism as its basis and harmoniously combines Marx’s economic and legal thought into a whole. 马克思的所有权思想是建筑在唯物史观基础上的、融马克思经济思想和法学思想于一炉的科学理论体系。
- As to the writing of linking his legal thought to practice, it belongs to a newattempt so far. 至于将其法律思想与实践联系起来一并考察的写法,则是一种新的尝试。
- Moralizing-education is the main content in the field of the legal thought of Confucius. 教化思想是儒家法律思想的重要内容。
- Many netizens express, the cost that legal thought fors the time being is too high. 不少网友表示,法律维权的成本太高。
- Finally, as a conclusion, this part is to discuss the impact factors of China"s notary legal thinking and how to train their legal thinking. 最后,作为结语,探讨影响我国公证人法律思维的因素及如何培养我国公证人的法律思维。
- Dong Zhongshu and his legal thought hold an important position in Chinese ancient thoughts. 董仲舒及其政治法律思想在整个中国法律思想史上占有重要地位。
- The second part is to analyze the legal thinking"s characteristic, target and content of a notary proceeding with the legal thinking"s signification, individuality and conditions. 在法律日益繁复的今天,人们对公证的期望决定了公证除了证明职能外,还兼有判断、引导和预测等功能。
- The first section begins with analyzing Mohist's source and continues to research about the source of its legal thought of equality. 第一节从分析墨学渊源开始,转入对墨家平等法律观渊源的考证。
- This policy's establishment is the inheritance and development to Marx, Engels, Lenin,Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping legal thought system. 党的这一治国方略的确立,是对马克思、恩格斯、列宁、毛泽东、邓小平法制思想的继承和发展。
- So great changes took place for the environment of lawmaking that macro-environment for the orthodox legal thought came into being. 魏晋南北朝时期,法制建设环境已发生巨大变化,正统法律思想发展的大环境已经形成。
- First chapter discusses resumptively legislation of TEN-NATIONS, and expounds all kinds of social factors in TEN-NATIONS influencing its legal thought. 第一章,概括论述十国各政权的立法状况,以及阐述十国社会对十国法律思想影响的各种因素;
- A historical fact is that, since the Qing and Han Dynasties, such a legal thought of equality has had not disappeared despite that Mohist School diedaway. 历史的一个事实是秦汉以降,墨家销声匿迹,但其平等法律观并没有随着其学派的消失而消亡。
- Old easy delegate puts forward is concern of a kind of contract between player and operation business, this is the foundation that legal thought fors the time being. 另一方面,相关的治理部门没有专门保障玩家权益的网络游戏治理规定,造成了玩家维权的两难境地。
- On the basis of investigation and legal thought of the actions of infringement of athletes' rights,we find out that it is common to infringe athletes' rights in competitive sports. 通过对侵害运动员权利的行为进行调查与法律分析,认为在竞技体育中侵害运动员权利的行为比较普遍。
- Emperor Hanyuan changed the legal thought of serious penalty to subordinate in Emperor Hanxuan period into taking morality and education seriously.So the social conflicts were allaying. 汉元帝改变了宣帝时期“以刑名绳下”的法治思想,而主张“重德治、尚教化”,从而缓和了社会矛盾;
- She is agility and have professional foundation,both of them are leads to her legal thinking and architectonics. 她有敏捷的思维和扎实的专业基础,两者结合形成了她独特的法律思维和认识体系。
- It was that thought which made me ask an unquiet question calmly. 是那个想法使我平静地问了一个令人焦急的问题。
- His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。
- She thought of brushing up her shorthand. 她想到要复习一下过去学过的速记术。