- But in recently-issued Property Law of China, both bona fide acquisition system of chattel and that of real property are enacted definitely. 然而,在我国,随着物权法的颁布实施,动产与不动产所有权以及其它物权的善意取得均得到了法律的确认。
- Law of the Place of Real Property 不动产所在地法
- To dispossess unlawfully of real property;oust. 强占,逐出对不动产的非法占有;逐出
- To dispossess unlawfully of real property; oust. 强占,逐出对不动产的非法占有;逐出
- The changing of real property to personal property or vice versa. 财产转换从不动产转换为动产或者反之
- The credit assurance system of real property conveyancing is a focus subject of law. 普通法系的不动产登记制度是英美国家确保本国不动产财产权转让信用秩序的重要制度。
- Our future real property law should comply with the historical trend of the vicissitude of real property. 我国未来物权法应当顺应物权观念演进的历史潮流,实现由绝对物权到相对物权的历史性更新。
- Shall Civil Law of Our Country Adopt Juristic Acts of Real Rights or not? 我国民法是否应采纳物权行为?
- He possesses a lot of immovable real property. 他拥有许多不动产。
- The relinquishing of real property with no intention of repossessing it. 放弃固定资产的所有权;而且不再有收回的意图.
- Abstract: It is very fundamental and historical to classify property as personal property and real property, which forms the Realty Law of Civil Law and Property Law of Anglo-Saxon Law. 文章摘要: 动产与不动产是历史十分悠久的有关财产的基本分类,无论是大陆法系的物权法还是英美法系的财产法,其规范的设计都以此为依据。
- An improvement beyond normal upkeep and repair that adds to the value of real property. 房客修缮房屋超出一般保养和维修的修缮以增加房产的真实价值
- We are subject to the law of the land. 我们须遵守当地的法律。
- Who discovered the Law of Gravitation? 谁发现了引力定律?
- Foreclosure is a legal proceeding by which the county enforces payment of real property taxes. 赎是诉讼费由县级实行不动产税。
- New regulations on using new uniform invoice of real property marketing and construction were promulgated. 使用新版不动产销售统一发票和新版建筑业统一发票有新规定。
- Accordingly,there are two kinds of legislative mode on the applicable law of change of real right. That is lex voluntatis and lex situs. 与此相适应,国际私法关于物权变动的法律适用有适用当事人意思自治原则和适用物之所在地法两种立法模式。
- By my will, my son has the contingent use of my real property. 根据我的遗嘱,我儿子将来可以支配我的所有的不动产。
- Newton's law of motion apply to all things on the earth. 牛顿时的运动定律适用于地球上一切东西。
- In legislation, we admit that register of real property is symbol of real right change. 我国立法承认,房地产登记是物权变动的标志。