- They launch an aggressive election campaign. 他们发起了一次大张旗鼓的竞选活动。
- We should launch an anti porn campaign. 我们应发起扫黄运动。
- The personnel manager have launch an all-out campaign to get the staff to work on Friday afternoon. 人事经理发起了一个全面性的运动,使工作人员星期五下午都上班。
- We are not going to launch an anti-Rightist campaign again. But on no account should we give up serious criticism of erroneous trends. 我们今后不搞反右派运动,但是对于各种错误倾向决不能不进行严肃的批评。
- I wanna place a call, not launch an MX missile. 我只想打个电话,不是发射。
- I want to place a call, not launch an MX missile. 我只是想打个电话,没打算发送MX导弹。
- To launch an attack on(two chess pieces). 同时攻(两棋子)
- The forestry administration says it plans to launch an extermination campaign that includes insecticides and natural enemies of the moths. 国家林业局说,计划进行灭虫运动,包括使用农药和白蛾的天敌。
- I want to place a call, not launch an MX missile . 我只是想打个电话,没打算发送MX导弹。
- "China will launch an attack on India before 2012. “中国在2012年前将发动对印度的进攻。
- Coca-cola Company will launch an ad. Campaign to promote their newly developed flavor of soft drinks this summer. 可口可乐公司将会开展一次广告活动来宣传它们今年夏天开发的新口味软饮料。
- The government could also launch an education campaign to educate some of the inhumane dog keepers. 而一些犬主的不文明行为,也完全可以通过公众教育和加强管理的方式来杜绝。
- launch an campaign 发动运动
- Launching an Olympic volunteer recruiting campaign ? ??组织奥运志愿者。
- The general conjectures that the enemy will launch an attack against us this night. 将军推测说敌人将于今天晚上突袭我们。
- You say they will launch an attack against us? Let them! 你说他们要向我们发起进攻?那就来吧!
- BEIJING - The Chinese Government is to launch an international advertising campaign this summer to reassure consumers of the quality of Chinese-made goods. 北京-中国政府在今年夏天将推出一个国际广告活动,打消消费者对中国制造的商品质量的疑虑。
- My company is about to launch an online gaming platform. 我的公司即将要开放一个在线游戏平台。
- To launch an attack against a target,using a firebomb. 使用燃烧弹向目标发起进攻
- To launch an attack against a target, using a firebomb. 使用燃烧弹向目标发起进攻