- laser multiple processing 激光复合处理
- Monitor and configure multiple processing units. 监控和处理多处理单。
- Users Interact with Multiple Processes . 用户与多项进程交互。
- Can multiple processes write to the pipe simultaneously? 多个进程能否同时向这个管道写执行写操作?
- Multiple processing instructions can appear, which can be useful with cascading style sheets, but most browsers use the first supported style sheet and ignore the rest. 可以出现多个处理指令,这对于层叠样式表可能很有用,但是大多数浏览器使用第一个支持的样式页,忽略其他样式页。
- This paper presents the capacitated lot sizing and scheduling problem of multiple process routines production with limited buffers. 摘要考虑多工艺路线且库容受限的能力批量计划问题。
- Benjamin Smedberg recently discussed the motivation for splitting Firefox into multiple process, so I won't recap that here. 能协助企业理解和提高他们的企业流程。
- First of all, we believe in multiple process languages. There are different environments and different purposes that require a their own specific process language. 首先,有多种处理语言,它们应用于不同的环境和目的,需要特殊的处理语言。
- Multiple processes can share a video screen if each process is associated with a window displayed within the screen. 如果在一个屏幕内,将每个进程与窗口一一对应,则多个进程就能共用一个显示屏幕。
- The Planning Process Group facilitates project planning across multiple processes. 规划过程组通过多个过程加快项目的规划。
- Because the Clipboard is shared by multiple processes, calling this method may have an impact on those processes. 因为剪贴板由多个进程共享,所以调用此方法可能会影响这些进程。
- The existence of multiple processes enables a computer to perform more than one task at a time. 多个进程的存在使得计算机能够一次执行多个任务。
- However biochemists have achieved certain steps of the multiplication process in cell-free media. 可是,生物化学家已完成了在无细胞培养基上增殖过程的某些阶段。
- Portals are complex systems involving security, heavy user load, multiple processes, transaction capability, and more. 入口网站是复杂的系统,涉及安全性、大量的使用者负载、多流程、交易功能,等等。
- A UNIX application that forks multiple copies of itself can be reworked in Win32 to have either multiple processes or a single process with multiple threads. 分支出自身的多个副本的UNIX应用程序可以在Win32中修正,或者使用多进程,或者使用包含多个线程的单进程。
- The operating system creates the illusion of multiple processes, each executing on its own processor with its own (virtual) memory. 操作系统创建了多个进程,每一个进程有自己的处理器和(虚拟)内存。
- An operating system that supports preemptive multitasking creates the effect of simultaneous execution of multiple threads from multiple processes. 支持抢先多任务处理的操作系统可以创建多个进程中的多个线程同时执行的效果。
- This is quite a bit of overhead by itself, but the problem becomes even worse if you have multiple processes sharing that memory. 这本身就已经是非常可观的开销了,不过,如果有多个进程共享那些内存时,问题会变得更严重。
- In the multiplicating process, Lysosome constructs inclusion body of baculovirus by engulfing mitochondrias and pathogens, using the energy supplied by mitochondrias. 溶酶体在增殖过程中内吞濒临解体的线粒体和病原体,利用线粒体内嵴提供的能量,有规律地组装成杆状病毒的包涵体。
- Control for Laser cladding processing. 激光凃层控制。