- Late is the only lake region, the sea women unable to smile, if thought. 晚来独步是水乡,海女笑颜无力,纵思量。
- Investigation of Safe Use of Lake-grass Resources in Dongting Lake Region. 洞庭湖区湖草资源安全利用的研究
- The paper sum up the ecological footprint of Ebinur Lake region in 2003. 文章对艾比湖地区2003年的生态足迹进行了计算和分析。
- The northward expansion of Songze culture promoted the cultural exchange betwe en Shandong region and Tai lake region. 崧泽文化的北上曾极大地加强了海岱文化区和太湖文化区的相互交流和促进。
- Distribution and degradation of SAS in soil environments in the Taihu Lake region. 太湖地区土壤环境中SAS的分布和降解特点。
- Ecological Environment for Incidence of Grasshoppers in the Qinghai Lake Region. 环青海湖地区草地蝗虫发生的生态环境条件分析。
- Phosphorus loss with runoff from a side bleaching paddy soil under continual P application in Taihu Lake Region. 太湖地区侧渗水稻土连续施磷处理下稻田磷的径流损失
- Oshima and Taiwan signed a Hangzhou, Ka, Lake region agent contract, which sells fabrics shrink machine, post-mortem cloth, for filibustering, bonders. 与台湾欧西玛签定了杭、嘉、湖地区总代理合同,主要销售面料缩水机、验布机、拉布机、粘合机。
- Chaohu lake region is one of the heartland of AnHui province in economy and culture.It is important to the stratagem of "exploder west" in our country. 摘要环巢湖地区是安徽省经济文化中心之一,该区域在我国西部大开发的发展战略中有着重要的地位。
- Lindsey Hauer thought staffers at Lake Region Hospital in Fergus Falls, Minn., were joking when they told her the time of her daughter's birth. 当明尼苏达州的湖区医院的工作人员告诉琳赛.;豪尔她女儿的出生时间时,她还认为他们在开玩笑。
- Only by taking reasonable implementation strategy can we integrate the local documents of the circum-Dongting Lake Region to play a better role. 摘要对于环洞庭湖地区地方文献资源的共建共享,只有采取合理的实施策略,才能把现有资源进行有效的整合,发挥更好的效益。
- Ma lake region of a large number of virgin forest, towering old trees, vines winding, lichen moss everywhere, with the original ancient atmosphere. 马湖景区内分布着大量原始森林,古树参天,藤蔓缠绕,地衣苔藓遍地,充满了原始古朴气息。
- Six palynological assemblages were distinguished through an intensive study on spore and pollen from the cores Z4 and DF1 at Dianshanhu Lake region. 摘要通过对淀山湖地区赵巷4井、淀峰1井等晚第四纪地层孢粉研究,划分出6个孢粉组合带,反映本地区植被演替与气候波动的6个阶段。
- We form 11 Delaunay triangles using the coordinates of GPS stations in Baikal Lake region in the light of side length being equal as far as possible for each triangle. 利用贝加尔湖地区GPS监测网测站坐标;根据边长尽量相等的原则;形成了11个Delaunay三角形;计算了各三角形的形状因子;结果表明有9个三角形的形状因子大于0.;1。
- "Caoyang sought " is the group in Putuo District of Shanghai Shen Lake region of West Point Caoyangxinyuan project Phase III last week opened again unpopular. “曹杨五月天”是上海申湖集团在普陀区西站地区开发的曹杨新苑项目的第三期,上周开盘再次火爆。
- The urban development is also confined by river systems, which is a representative characteristics of urban expansion in the Taihu Lake region in China. 由于宜兴处于苏南水网发达地区,水系严重制约了城市扩展的方向,而道路和桥梁建设则导引城市扩展方向。
- There were also some seis- mic activities on the eastern part of the Eurasian belt and strong earthquakes also occurred in the east of Baikal Lake region. 亚欧带东段继续有地震活动,贝加尔湖以东地区发生强震。
- This should help inform public health officials on ways to reduce schistosomiasis infection in the Poyang Lake region between the Three Gorges Dam and Shanghai. 这可以有助于为公共卫生官员提供关于减少三峡大坝和上海之间的鄱阳湖地区血吸虫感染的方式的信息。
- Leaching of carbofuran and atrazine in soil columns of fluvo-aquic soil from Henan and two types of paddy soils from the Taihu Lake Region and its affecting factors were studied. 通过室内柱淋溶试验研究呋喃丹与阿特拉津在河南潮土及2种太湖水稻土中的淋溶作用及其影响因素。
- Seroprevalence presents a str-ong spatial correlation in lake region with certain yearly variability, but such spatial correlation is weak in mountainous region. 湖区人群血吸虫血清学阳性率存在很强的空间相关性且每年略有差异,而山区的空间相关性不强。