- The port of London laid an embargo on all ships coming from the Baltic. 伦敦港禁止所有来自波罗的海的船只入港。
- During the war,they laid an embargo on commerce with enemy countries. 在战争期间,他们禁止与敌国通商。
- During the war, they laid an embargo on commerce with enemy countries. 在战争期间,他们禁止与敌国通商。
- That country laid an embargo on the importation of foreign meat and prices rose accordingly. 那个国家禁止肉类入口,因而价格上涨。
- During the War of 1812, Congress laid an embargo on commerce with Great Britain. 1812年战争期内国会下令停止与英国通商。
- The country has put an embargo on all imports. 该国对所有进口品实行禁运。
- The new taxes will lay an embargo on the store's future prosperity. 新增税额将限制该公司的发展前途。
- Any country has the right to lay an embargo on the sale of consumer goods to unfriendly nations. 任何国家都有权力对不友好国家禁售耐用品。
- The port of London laid an embargo on all ships coming from the baltic 伦敦港禁止所有来自波罗的海的船只入港。
- An embargo on the sale of computers to unfriendly nations. 对不友好国家的禁售电脑令
- It is said that the government will place an embargo on gold sales. 据说政府将禁止黄金买卖。
- The UN put an embargo on trade with Iraq as sanctions. 联合国对伊拉克实行贸易限制作为制裁。
- The United States has took off an embargo on oil imput. 美国解除石油进口贸易。
- You will see at the next outbreak they will put an embargo on Irish cattle. “你看吧,下次再突然闹瘟疫,他们就会对爱尔兰牛下禁运令了。
- laid an embargo on v. 禁止出入(对 ... 实行禁运; 禁止通商)
- It is also empowered to recommend an embargo on drugs from or to the country concerned. 它还有权建议停止对有关国家出口麻醉品或从有关国家进口麻醉品。
- He laid an egg as a folk-song singer. 他唱民歌,不受听众欢迎。
- Recently they have laid an underground pipeline. 最近他们铺设了一条地下管道。
- But we must first learn from the Soviet Union,because only the Soviet Union and other fraternal countries are assisting us,whereas the United States has imposed an embargo on us. 但首先是学习苏联,因为现在只有苏联和其他兄弟国家帮助我们,美国对我们搞禁运嘛!
- They laid an ambush for the enemy patrol. 他们埋伏起来准备伏击巡逻的敌人。