- joint of vertebral column 脊柱关节
- Methods CT and plain films of 73 cases of blowout fracture of vertebral column were analyzed retrospectively. 方法对73例脊柱爆裂性骨折患者的CT、平片征象进行回顾性分析。
- Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of CT for blowout fracture of vertebral column. 目的评价CT检查对脊椎爆裂性骨折的诊断价值及临床意义。
- Methods Harrington rods with wire under polysegmental vertebral lamina were used on the concave side of vertebral column of 32 cases. 目的总结单纯哈氏棒加多节段椎板下钢丝治疗脊柱侧凸的疗效。
- Conclusion CT can definitely display the three column structures of vertebral column and vertebral canal as well as the compression of the nerve and spinal cord. 结论CT能清楚显示脊柱三柱解剖结构、骨性椎管情况及脊髓、神经受压来源,能获取远远多于平片的资料,减少漏诊,提高诊断正确性。
- The comparison of vertebral column and appendicular skeleton for bagrid catfishes from Jialing River reveals that in the family Bagridae the compound vertebra is formed by the anterior 6 vertebrae. 对嘉陵江科鱼类脊柱及附肢骨骼的比较表明,复台椎骨由前6权脊椎骨愈合而成。
- Open fracture of vertebral column 脊柱开放性骨折
- Compression fracture of vertebral column 脊柱压缩性骨折
- Congenital anomaly of vertebral column 先天性脊柱异常
- postural defects of vertebral column 姿势性脊柱弯曲异常
- external veins of vertebral column 椎浅静脉, 脊柱外静脉
- Tuberculosis of vertebral column 脊柱结核
- Will you bone this joint of meat for me? 你能帮我把这块肉的骨头剔掉吗?
- Manipulation of vertebral column 脊柱操作法
- Pick-up (PU) and RIH 1 Joint of Tubing. 提升(PU)一根油管短节并下入井中(RIH)。
- veins of vertebral column, external 椎浅静脉, 脊柱外静脉
- Closed fracture of vertebral column 脊柱闭合性骨折
- Our cat somehow insinuated itself into the larder, and feasted off a large joint of meat. 咱们的那只猫悄悄地溜进了食品室,抓住一大块肉饱吃了一顿。
- Surgical repair of vertebral column 脊柱手术修复术
- Check that the joint of the pipe is sealed properly. 检查一下管道的接口是否封严了。