- Abstract Isoparametric element of arbitrary hexahedron plays an important role in finite element analysis. 内容摘要 等参数任意六面体单元在有限元分析中有着重要的作用。
- There is no explicit formulation of inverse mapping about the isoparametric element, so inverse mapping is avoided in finite element analysis. 摘要由于等参元不存在逆变换的显式,所以在有限元分析的列式中都回避等参元逆变换。
- In this paper,strain and stiffness matrix of isoparametric element with eight nodes and hexahedron are derived in detail. 推导了八节点六面体等参单元的应变矩阵、刚度矩阵,对该单元的位移解收敛性和畸变敏感性进行了分析。
- Applying degenerate isoparametric element, this paper has studied geometrical nonlinear response of composite plates and shells. 本文采用退化的等参壳元分析了复合材料板、壳结构的几何非线性特性。
- In the third part, by use of penalty funtion and isoparametric element, the FEM equation is derived.The general program is worked out. (3)采用罚函数有限元和等参数单元,导出了迭代算式的有限元方程。
- An eight-node isoparametric element of composite sandwich plates using Reissner Theory was developed,which provides a relative simple finite element method. 本文用Reissner理论构造了一种八节点等参单元, 对于表层较薄、夹芯剪切模量较大的复合材料夹层板, 提供了一种相对简单的有限元计算方法。
- In the present paper, 10 nodes tetrahedron isoparametric element was employed to perform the net dissection of asymmetry entity through unusual dissection idea. 本文提出了一种将复杂单元剖分成四面体的快速准则,从而设计出一种用于有限元后处理的多等值面面绘制的快速算法。
- LU Xiao-yang, SHI Bao-Jun, CEN Zhang-zhi, et al.Study on the correlation between compatible and incompatible isoparametric element[J].Engineering Mechanics, 2001,18(1): 36-40. [4]鹿晓阳;史宝军;岑章志;等.;协调等参元与非协调元的对应性研究[J]
- The algorithm is available for linear triangular isoparametric elements. 该算法适用于三角形线性等参元。
- Abstract : The contact force between plates and ground is treated as a continuous function, and the 16-node degenerated isoparametric element is proposed for the analysis of plates on ground. 摘要: 假定基础板对地基的作用为一连续分布荷载,采用16节点退化实体等参元对基础板进行有限元分析。
- D finite element analysis is done for the static and dynamic characteristics of large-scale prestressed U-shaped thin shell aqueduct with shell element and 3-D isoparametric element adopted. 采用壳体单元和三维等参单元,对大型预应力U型薄壳渡槽静动力特性进行了三维有限元分析,给出了静力分析结果,并与模型试验作了对比。
- Hou Yunpeng,Li Weili,Zhou Feng et al.Calculations of 3d temperature field in stator for large hydro generator based on 3d isoparametric element method[J].Large Electric Machine,2000,(6):14-19. [4]侯云鹏;李伟力;周封;等.;大型水轮发电机定子三维温度场的等参元计算[J]
- Based on the traditional solid isoparametric element and shell theory, a new type of degenerated solid element was proposed, with bars modeled using the three-dimensional disperse model. 曲线桥梁极限承载能力的问题,提出采用实体退化单元的三维分析方法。
- A finite element model with crack in gear roots was established with mixed meshing of singularity and isoparametric elements. 采用奇异单元和等参单元混合分网的方式建立了齿根裂纹的有限元模型。
- Eight-noded curvilinear quadrilateral isoparametric elements were applied to model the surface of the structure. 计算中以八节点曲边四边形等参元模拟结构体表面。
- Methods A three-dimensional finite element model of the nasomaxillary complex was created, consisting of 1638 isoparametric elements and 1827 nodes. 方法采用三维有限元法测量受不同方向的后牵引力的鼻上颌复合体三维有限元模型。
- Hou Yunpeng,Li weili,Zhou Feng et al.Calculation of 3D temperature in stator for large hydro-generator based on 3D isoparametric element method[J].Large Electric Machine,2000,(6):14-19. [2]侯云鹏;李伟力;周封;等.;大型水轮发电机定子三维温度场的等参元计算[J]
- Abstract: In this paper, the concept of generalized degree of freedom is proposed according to the translation equations of displacements of compatible isoparametric elements. 摘 要: 本文据协调等参元位移模式转换式,提出了广义自由度的概念。
- Shape Function for Isoparametric Element Matrix 等参有限元矩阵中形函数的建立
- Hamiltonian isoparametric element Hamiltonian等参元