- Iron ore imports for the reasons for substantial growth, it was attributed to traders to hoard goods, or foreign giants "conspiracy. 对于铁矿石进口大幅增长的原因,有人将之归结为贸易商囤货,或是国外巨头的“阴谋”。
- Fourth, safeguard market order starting from the iron ore import qualified to supervise the review. 第四,要从维护市场秩序出发进行铁矿石进口资质的监督审查。
- Mr Downey has produced projections for China's iron ore imports and steel production that fit roughly with CVRD's forecasts. 唐尼对中国铁矿石进口量和钢产量进行了预测,其结果与淡水河谷的预测大体一致。
- Together the companies supply 75 per cent of China's iron ore imports from their adjacent operations in Australia's Pilbara region. 为了将监管障碍降至最低水平,两拓表示,将各自独立出售合资企业生产的铁矿石。
- Liaocheng seamless business experts that the current iron ore import demand caused by the performance of the illusion so that negotiations difficult. 聊城无缝管企业相关专家认为,目前的进口表现造成铁矿石需求旺盛的假象,使谈判异常艰难。
- Traders to import some inherent quality problems, but did not say that we must cancel 20 or 30 traders of iron ore import qualified. 一些贸易商的进口资质本身存在问题,但没有说一定要取消20家或者30家贸易商铁矿石进口资质。
- Iron ore import price and inventory of both high domestic steel prices and the recent directly related to the skyrocketing. 铁矿石进口价和库存量的双双高位运行与近期国内钢价的疯涨直接相关。
- Another problem is the many small and medium steel mills themselves dissatisfied with the lack of bargaining power and iron ore imports discourse permission. 另一个问题则是诸多中小钢厂不满于缺乏自身谈判话语权和铁矿石进口的许可。
- LU Hong seamless steel pipe, we experienced experts believe that China's iron ore imports this year, while growth factors are speculative, but is based on the 4 trillion in real investment demand. 我们鲁宏的资深无缝钢管专家认为,今年以来我国铁矿石进口增长固然有投机性因素存在,但更多的是基于4万亿投资带来的真实需求。
- BDI in the manufacture of the current round of the factors that tend to bounce inside the volume of China's iron ore imports surge is especially important. 在制造本轮BDI反弹之势的因素里面,我国进口铁矿石量猛增显得尤为重要。
- "It is the first time domestic iron ore importers have asked for Chinese factors to be considered during iron ore negotiations," he said. “国内的铁矿进口商在谈判中要求对方考虑中国市场的特点和其他诸多国内因素,这还是头一次,”他说。
- As the three major iron ore mine highly monopolized the market, even if China became the largest iron ore importer, but also did not bring her major clients advantage. 由于三大矿山高度垄断了铁矿石市场,即使中国成为最大的铁矿石进口国,也没有给自己带来大客户的优势地位。
- LU Hong our senior high-pressure boiler tubes experts said that China is the largest iron ore importer, China's iron ore trade in the world should have the right to speak, but now is not enough. 我们鲁宏的资深高压锅炉管专家表示,中国是最大的铁矿石进口国,中国在世界铁矿石贸易中应该有一定话语权,但现在还不够。
- Building Our Country's Safe Supply Chain of Iron Ore Imports 打造我国外贸进口铁矿石的安全供应链
- Iron ore has been discovered in the area. 这地区发现了铁矿。
- On the Strategy and Measures to Take for Iron Ore Import in China 我国铁矿石进口的战略和对策
- Coal seams intermixed with iron ore. 煤层和铁矿混杂在一起。
- Plenty of iron ore is imported from Australia. 许多铁矿石是由澳大利亚进口的。
- With only iron ore ironmaking would be impossible. 如果只有铁矿石,铁是炼不出来的。
- They struck a rich seam of iron ore. 他们开出一个富铁矿层。