- Landseer--White base coat with black markings. 兰西尔色:白色为底色,带有黑色条纹。
- WT5”,6BZ]In the present paper,the effects of rare earth(RE)and chromium on corrosion of iron base fluxing alloy spray-welding coatings is reported. 本研究着眼于考察稀土和合金成分对铁基自熔合金涂层的耐蚀性的影响,对不同成分的合金涂层进行了三酸一盐的浸蚀试验。
- In this paper,the effects of rare earth(RE) and chromium on the high temperature oxidation resistance of iron base fluxing alloy spray welding coatings is reported. 本研究着眼于用稀土对价格低廉的铁基自熔合金粉末进行改性,以提高其抗高温氧化性能。
- WK 8138 is used in the pre-bottom and base coat of polished or ironed leathers. WK 8138用于抛光或熨平的革预底层和底层涂饰中。
- This moulder has an exclusive differential all cast iron base construction. 独特设计的全铸铁结构性,彻底展现四面铇的傲世典范。
- It's a modified acrylic resin based coating. 是以改性丙烯酸树脂为基料制成。
- Shin Tek Chemical Company Limited was involved in the development, production and marketing of fluorine based and silicone based coatings. 新科化工有限公司自1997年起从事氟树脂、硅树脂不粘涂料的生产、销售与研发。
- Greep resisting nickel and iron base alloys have been linked inexorably with the development of gas turbines. 燃气涡轮发动机的发展同抗蠕变镍基和铁基合金的发展紧密联系在一起。
- Application procedure and practicalexamples of the organo - bentonite in solvent based coatings and emulsion coatings were given. 介绍了有机膨润土在溶剂型漆和乳胶漆中的使用方法及应用实例。
- The reaction mechanism of NBC-1 non_chromium iron based catalyst is studied through TPD,TPSR and PSR. 通过TPD、TPSR、PSR等手段 ,对NBC -1型铁系无铬CO高温变换催化剂进行了变换反应机理的研究。
- It was found that the capacity of oxygen absorbing increased with the increasing content of iron based deoxidizing a... 随着薄膜厚度的增加,薄膜吸氧量减少。
- When used as a base coat LIVAL GR is applied uniformly and thinly with a cloth or a sponge, either in pure form or mixed with water. 染色前封闭剂时,可与水混合或纯原液,用布或海面均匀地稀薄地涂在表面,如是大面积应用,也可用喷枪。
- When used as a base coat with color-leveling effect on aniline leather, it can be mixed with LIVAL COLOR VL dyes. 染色前封闭剂时,可与水混合或纯原液,用布或海面均匀地稀薄地涂在表面,如是大面积应用,也可用喷枪。用海绵单独用于破裂和多孔易渗皮革的产品。
- Nails: Apply Base Coat, followed with Exquisite Nail Colour. Top with Chiffon Nail Colour. 唇:用红梅彩妆两用笔(0361)划上唇部轮廓后再填满双唇。
- Greek-Turkish iron base magnetic material production and sales of products since. 希土铁基磁体材料的生产及产品的自销。
- It is recommended that WA 8535 is used in the base coat of finishing of nappa leather. 建议WA 8535用于所有纳帕革的底层涂饰中。
- The micro structure of iron based P/M oil impregnating antifrication materials includes pearlite, cementite and free graphite . 铁基粉末冶金含油减摩材料的显微组织为珠光体、渗碳体和游离石墨。
- The new spray painting process of acrylics-polyurethane can mix the colyours rapidly and provide ideal base coat. 新的丙烯酸-聚氨脂喷涂工艺能快速配色,且能提供较好的涂层。
- An oxygen absorbing resin was obtained by dispersing iron based deoxidizing agent into PE-LD matrix containing a small fraction of EVOH. 采用铁系脱氧剂、乙烯-乙烯醇共聚物(EVOH)、相容剂和PE-LD,通过双螺杆挤出机制备吸氧母料,将其与适量PE-LD混合经单螺杆挤出机吹塑成吸氧薄膜。