- The instruction manual completely defeated me. 这操作指南把我完全弄糊涂。
- I like to see the instruction manual. 我想看看说明书。
- B: Well, no. Um, is there an instruction manual? 这个嘛,不是的。嗯,有操作指南吗?
- Read the instruction manual before usage. 使用前请仔细阅读使用说明书。
- Fully illustrated instruction manual is included. 附上详尽精美说明书。
- Well, no. Um, is there an instruction manual? 这个嘛,不是的。嗯,有操作指南吗?
- No need to do it now. you have the instruction manual. 不用,有操作手册。
- I would like to have an instruction manual for the computer. 我想要一本电脑操作手册。
- Read instruction manual carefully before operating this machine. 使用机器前应详细阅读使用说明书。
- From then on we sent along a tool kit and instruction manual with every pump. 从那时起,每一部水泵我们都附送一个工具箱和一份说明书。
- The product comes with the instruction manual and warranty. 内附产品说明书与保证书。
- Maintains upkeep of quality customer instruction manual. 维持品质客户工艺规范。
- Is there an instruction manual that I can review later? 有使用者说明,我可以等一下看吗?
- Obey servicing guide in specific instruction manual of switchgear. 遵守具体的开关装置说明书中的维护指导。
- Data in this instruction manual is subject to alternation without prior notice. 本说明书内容如有更改恕不另行通知。
- Sometimes customers misplace their instruction manual or configuration guide. 有时客户会弄丢他们的操作手册或结构简介。
- The Human Genome Project gae us the instruction manual for building a human. 人类基因组计划给我们提供了建造人类的指导手册。
- Nature's instruction manual for this oddball, it turns out, is just as much of a mishmash. 自然课本上都把这个怪胎描写成几个物种的混合体。
- Simple tasks, such as setting a wristwatch or operating a television, require an instruction manual. 连设定手表与操作电视这种简单的工作,也需要参考说明书。