- insect pest in orchard 果树害虫
- Dendrolimus punctatus is the most destructive forest insect pest in China. 马尾松毛虫一直是我国最严重的森林食叶害虫之一。
- Nonsuch and Bermuda itself were once covered by thick groves of cedar, but the cedars had been wiped out by an imported insect pest in a mere three years between 1948 and 1952. 楠萨奇和百慕大原本覆盖着茂密的香柏树林,但是在1948至1952年仅仅三年的时间里,香柏就被引入的害虫彻底毁掉了,只剩下巨大的白色树干。
- The locust looper, Ectropis excellens Butler, is an important insect pest in China. In 1988, a virus was isolated from a diseased larva of locust looper. 1988年从危害刺槐的外斑埃尺蠖(Ectropis excellens Butler)病死虫中分离出一株病毒。
- Resources of natural enemies of insect pests in apple orchard were systemally studied in apple orchards in Shanxi province. 摘要对陕西不同地区苹果园天敌昆虫进行了调查研究,结果获得天敌昆虫17种,隶属于8目11科。
- Byctiscus ulmi is one of the main insect pests in Weeping Elm of Xining region. The insect pest is happened a generation in a year in Xining region. 14.8 ovums were borthed by a female pest. 榆叶象甲是西宁地区垂榆上的主要害虫之一;该虫在西宁地区每年发生一代;每头雌虫平均产卵量为14.;8粒;产卵部位集中于叶背;卵期8d左右;幼虫历期25d左右;老熟后在叶柄基部作茧化蛹;蛹期16d左右;从9月下旬起成虫在枯枝落叶层内进入越冬状态。
- Injurious insect pests in storehouse of tobacco leaf were found to have 8 species,8 families,2 orders in one class. 查到烟库害虫1个纲2个目8科8种。
- The paper presented the census results of diseases and insect pests in Torreya grandis in Zhejiang Province. 摘要文章系浙江省近年来香榧病虫害和害虫天敌的调研总结。
- An investigation of population of major insect pests in transgenic and non-transgenic rapeseed were conducted in Ledu County, Qinghai in 2003. 摘要对转基因抗除草剂油菜品种、受体及当地常规品种在春油菜区主要害虫种群的数量进行了调查。
- Agricultural Control of Insect Pest in Rice in Liaoning Province 辽宁省水稻病虫害的农业防治效果研究
- Investigation on Forest Insect Pest in Yikezhao League 伊克昭盟地区林木害虫调查
- Application of phoxim on soybean crops must be done with caution,and the insecticide can be applied by watering the roots to control insect pests in the soil. 豆类作物上慎用辛硫磷,可以浇灌等方式防治地下害虫。
- An insect pest fatal to cotton had struck the crop. 棉花遭受了一种致命的虫害。
- The severe frost kill off most of the insect pest. 严霜杀死了大多数害虫。
- Chemical Control Technique for Seed Pest in Picea crassifolia kom. 青海云杉种实害虫化学防治技术。
- The insecticide application of 25% thiamethoxam WDG, 5% fipronnil SC, 25% buprofezin WP 10% beta-cyperethrin LC, and 25% phoxim LC on piemarker plants, showed different control effects on sucking insect pests in cotton fields. 苘麻植株在田间分散程度和诱集效果呈正相关,单棵插花种植苘麻的诱集效果分别是片状种植和条带种植苘麻的7倍和3倍。
- The textbook is emphasized to plant diseases and insect pests in the South of China, especially to plant diseases and insect pests in the area of middle and down stream of Yangtse river. 本书的取材主要侧重南方地区,特别是长江中下游地区的重要病虫害;
- Few days ago, I went shopping with two honeys in Orchard Road. 整条路装扮得好美哦!圣诞节的气氛很浓厚。
- Progress in Occurrence and Control of Disease and Insect Pest in Garden Plant 园林植物病虫害发生特点与防治进展