- A series of autogenously pulverizable sulphoaluminate cements were made of industrial materials and chemical agents. 采用工业原料和化学试剂分别配制成一系列自粉化硫铝酸盐水泥。
- Promote and sell industrial materials to LCD/LCM or Back Light Module manufacturer in Eastern China. 针对华东地区LCD/LCM或背光源制造厂家的需求,推广公司的工业物料/辅料。
- Brite-Euram III: EEC project entitle "Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion of Industrial Materials". 欧盟诸多科学团体及大学共同参与下的EEC科研项目,命名为“工业材料的微生物腐蚀”
- Acetic acid can be made not only into vinegar but also other industrial materials. 乙酸不仅可以制醋,还可用于制造其他工业的原料。
- You can shop industrial materials / wholesale products from the rack of ‘world-factory’. 你能在这‘世界工厂’的架上采购到工业材料/批发产品.
- Spunlace nonwoven are widely used to do lining of garment, medical and sanitary materials, wipe and industrial materials. 主要用于服装里衬,医疗卫生材料,一次性卫生产品,民用抹布,工业用布等。
- It is indispensable industrial materials for Aerospace, aviation, automotive, printing and dyeing, electronics, mining, medicine and foodstuff processing. 是航空、天、车、刷印染、子、矿、药、食食品加工,化工工业不可或缺的工业材料。
- Historically,CMIA has invested in the agribusiness, consumer,environmental engineering,industrial materials,manufacturing and high technology sectors. 毅铭资本曾投资的行业涵盖了农业、消费品、环境工程、材料工业、制造业和高科技。
- C.M.Young.We started business from textile chemicals: Dyestuffs and auxiliaries, and continued to develop business for other industrial materials and equipments. 由经营染料、助剂等纺织品用化学品开始,并陆续开发 其他产业用资材及设备。
- A movement in modern art originating in Moscow in1920 and characterized by the use of industrial materials such as glass, sheet metal, and plastic to create nonrepresentational, often geometric objects. 构成派一支源于1920年莫斯科的现代艺术流派,以使用玻璃、金属薄板和塑料等工业材料来创作非写实性的且常为几何图形的物体为特征
- A movement in modern art originating in Moscow in 1920 and characterized by the use of industrial materials such as glass,sheet metal,and plastic to create nonrepresentational,often geometric objects. 构成派一支源于1920年莫斯科的现代艺术流派,以使用玻璃、金属薄板和塑料等工业材料来创作非写实性的且常为几何图形的物体为特征。
- Be it the state-of-the-art SMT production equipment, electronic testing systems, or industrial materials, customers can always count on us to render our best professional solution, service, and support. 凭着先进的SMT制造仪器、电子测量系统和工业材料,客户能仰赖我们最专业的解决方案和支援服务。
- In the industrial materials sector, Hitachi High-Technologies offers everything from sophisticated industrial materials to basic materials such as steel, nonferrous metals, and synthetic resins to both home and overseas market. 工业材料上,主要以钢铁、有色金属等金属、合成树脂、合成纤维等机能材料为中心,向国内和海外的产业界提供着各种各样的工业材料和加工品。
- Be it the state-of-the-art Semiconductor production line, SMT production equipment, or industrial materials, customers can always count on us to render our best professional solution, service, and support. 於现今先进产品的生产线如:半导体生产线、表面贴装技术应用器材、或工业材料供应,我们的客户都能时常借助我们优质及专业的解决方案、服务、及技术支援,得到最满意的生产效率。
- After over 20 years of development, we now represent a wide range of quality high-tech electronic, electrical computer components, computer peripherals and industrial materials components from the worlds leading manufacturers. 经过20多年的发展,公司现已成为多家世界著名生产商的代理,代理产品广泛,具体涵盖优质及高新电气,电子及电脑元件,计算机周边设备,工业器材及配件等。
- Shenzhen HUALIPU electronic Co.Ltd was founded in 1993.Speciality sale SUMITOMO'S electrical industrial material. 深圳市华利浦电子有限公司成立于一九九三年,以专业代理日本住友的电子工业材料为主。
- Using domestic made equipment and industrial materials some 400cm 2 a Si/a Si tandem solar cells have been fabricated in our laboratory with initial efficiency of 8.28% and stable efficiency of 7.35%. 以全部国产化装备和工业用原材料,以简单铝背电极制备出初始效率为8.;28%25,经室外阳光照射一年后稳定效率为7
- Cellulose is the most abundant natural macromolecular, which can be hydrolyzed to get energy, food and chemical industrial material. 纤维素是地球上最丰富的天然高分子化合物,可以通过水解的方法将其转化为为人类生产生活服务的能源、食物及化工原料。
- IVA-GmbH established in 1991 is specialized in plant design, equipment delivery and technical service of industrial material processing.Mr. 德国怡发(IVA)有限公司成立于己1991年,是提供工业矿物和各种物料加工工艺设计、成套设备和技术服务的专业性公司。
- Bags.Packaging.Curtains.Toy . vestee.Variety of colors available In inner of shoes ,industrial material, bags ,packing ,curtains and toys. 根据顾客要求.;来做