- It should be considered installing induction generator in TRT when electric power network has enough imaginary power. 所在电力网络有足够无功功率时,应考虑将感应发电机安装在TRT装置。
- Abstract: This paper analyzes a 12/3 phase double-winding induction generator system with an excitation winding in the stator link. 摘要:该文分析了一种带定子励磁补偿绕组的12/3相双绕组感应发电机系统。
- This dissertation makes study for the excitation control of VSCF doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) by rounded simulation analysis. 本文对变速恒频双馈风力发电机组(DFIG)的励磁控制进行了较为全面的仿真研究。
- Synchronization of wind power set to system based on doubly fed induction generator is simulated in this paper, and impacts of various factors are analyzed. 用仿真方法研究了基于双馈异步发电机的风力发电机组的并网过程,分析了不同因素对发电机并网过程的影响。
- However, wind power is restricted by the nature resource of wind, and the CVCF wind turbine set with induction generator is widely used, so the stability and supply quality of the system will be reduced. 由于风电场是一种依赖于自然能源的分散电源,同时目前大多采用恒速恒频异步风力发电系统,其并网运行降低了电网的稳定性和电能质量。
- Lang Yongqiang,Xu Dianguo,Hadianmrei S R,et al.Stagewise control of connecting AC excited doubly-fed induction generator to the grid[J].Proceedings of the CSEE,2006,26(19):133-138(in Chinese). [6]郎永强;徐殿国;Hadianmrei S R;等.;交流励磁双馈电机分段并网控制策略[J]
- D.Seyoum, M.F.Rahman, C.Grantham, ”Terminal voltage control of a wind turbine driven isolated induction generator using stator oriented field control” IEEE APEC, Vol. 2, Feb. 2003, pp. 846-852. 黄士权,“应用于风力发电之向量控制双馈式感应发电机之稳态性能分析”,国立清华大学电机工程研究所硕士论文,1995。
- Several cut-in control strategies for doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)-based variable-speed constant- frequency (VSCF) wind power generation are studied in the paper. 对几种变速恒频双馈风力发电投切控制策略进行深入的研究。
- S. Muller, M. Deicke, Rik W, De Doncker, “Doubly-Fed Induction Generators System for Wind Turbines,” IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, Vol. 8, Page(s) : 26-33, May 2002. 桂人杰,“变速风机之控制系统,”精密制造与新兴能源机械技术专辑,机械工业杂志,民国九十五年五月。
- dual-stator winding induction generator 双绕组感应发电机
- dual-stator winding induction generator(DWIG) 定子双绕组感应发电机
- inner-feeding induction generator 内馈式感应发电机
- three phase capacitor induction generator 三相电容式异步发电机
- separately excited induction generator 分激感应式发电机
- fixed speed induction generator (FSIG) 定速异步机
- dual stator-winding induction generator 双绕组感应发电机
- squirrel-cage induction generator 笼型异步发电机
- DFIG(doubly- fed induction generator) 双馈电机
- None of us had ever set eyes on a generator before. 我们过去谁也没看见过发电机。
- 3/3 dual-stator induction generator 双绕组感应发电机