- Apple trees bear blossoms in early spring. 苹果树在早春开花。
- There is a chill in the air in early spring. 春寒料峭。
- There is still a chill in the air in early spring. 早春时节依然是春寒料峭。
- Frost is possible in early spring. 在早春出现霜冻是可能的。
- Cherry trees bloom in early spring. 樱树於早春开花。
- It was a fine day in early spring. 那是早春时节的一个晴天。
- In early spring, we send out Easter cards. 在春天来临时,我们会寄复活节卡。
- Moving a shrub is best done in early spring. 移植灌木最好是在初春的时候。
- It was a chilly day in early spring. 那是早春二月、乍暖还寒的一天。
- In early spring, it sometimes snows. 在早春,有些时候会下雪。
- In early spring sunlight scattered countless dust. 初春的阳光散落无数的尘埃。
- In early spring we could see the shoots appearing on the bushes. 早春时节,我们能看到嫩芽从树丛上萌发。
- The strong wind nipped some of the flowers in early spring . 强风摧残了一些花。
- in early spring season 在早春季节
- In early spring, the dog chasing the little gray mice. 早春,狗追着灰不溜秋的小老鼠。
- Can It can be pretty cold in shanghai, even in early spring. 即使是早春,上海有时候仍然会相当冷。
- We went to the suburbs for an outing in early spring. 初春我们到郊外踏青。
- The strong wind nipped some of the flowers in early spring. 强风摧残了一些(早春的)花。
- We have wran days and cool nights in early spring and late autumn. 新奥尔良的初春和晚秋白天暖和,夜间凉爽。
- This subspecies provides fodder in early spring in desert steppe. 这个亚种在沙漠干草原在早春提供饲料。