- To design, fabricate and repair test fixture. 设计;制作和修理测试机架.
- To plan and control the assumption of test fixture materials. 计划和控制测试机架原材料。
- Test Fixture for RF Bonding Impedance 射频搭接阻抗测量装置
- The requirement for a good test fixture is maximum stiffness for the lightest possible weight. 一台好的试验固紧装置应该是重量轻而刚度大。
- Do you perform the impedance test and your capability &frequency?please describe how to control impedance and retain the coupon sample. '是否有做阻抗测试?频率和能力如何?请描述你们怎样控制阻抗和保留的样品?
- Have rich experience on test fixture building, able to build pneumatic controlled fixture is prefer. 具有丰富的测试治具制作经验,懂气动控制治具制作优先。
- The corrosion inhibition effect of molybdate inhibitor in tap water on 20A carbon steel has been studied with electrochemical polarization curve and impedance test. 为此,通过电化学极化曲线与交流阻抗实验,研究了钼酸盐系列缓蚀剂在自来水中对20A碳钢的缓蚀情况。
- To prevent transients, always turn the source off while switching contacts in and out of the test fixture. 为了避免发生瞬变现象,一定要先将电流源关闭,然后再把接点接入测试夹具或将其断开。
- DUT is placed in test fixture such a diode, transistors, microstrip circuit and so on. 被测件放在测试夹具里,如二极管、晶体管、微带电路等。
- Figure 2-12 shows a high mega-ohm resistor (RDUT) supported on two insulators mounted in a metal test fixture. 图2-12示出了测试夹具上由两个绝缘子支撑的高阻器(RDUT)。
- Again, it may be more economical to cut the cables in half, then permanently connect the cut ends to the test fixture. 同样,若将电缆分为两部分,然后将被截断的一端永久性地连接到测试夹具,则更经济。
- The first step to verify the system requires that resistors of known value be placed in the test fixture. 验证系统的第一步需要将一个已知阻值的电阻器置于测试夹具中。
- If mass-terminated cables are used, mating receptacles can be mounted at the test fixture. 如果采用接线头电缆,在夹具上则可以安装匹配插座。
- Current interpretation of impedance monitoring relies on use of symptom correlation measures (SI, SSI, or SAP). The therapeutic implications of an abnormal impedance test are not yet proen. 在最初抱怨胸痛或者食管外症状的难治反流病人,阻抗检测有效性未得到证实。
- Use high-reliability, fail-safe interlock switches to disconnect power sources when a test fixture cover is opened. 采用高可靠性、自动防止故障的联锁开关,在夹具外罩被打开时能够自动断开电源。
- However, it may be more economical to cut mass-terminated cables in half and hardwire the individual wires to the test fixture. 然而,若将接线头电缆分为两部分,然后将独立的导线硬连接至夹具,则更加经济。
- The Model 8009 employs a safety interlock to prevent the high voltage from being applied to the electrode until the test fixture lid is closed. 8009型采用了一种安全互锁机构,在测试夹具的盖子关闭之前,高电压不能施加到电极上。
- Can be used for probe board and loading board of ICT、ATE and different kinds of functional test fixture, AOI plate fixture and other anti-static fixture or equipment. 用作ICT/ATE测试夹具针板、载板、各种功能测试夹具的针板和载板,以及AOI拖板治具和各种抗静电要求较高的治具或者设备。
- Methods Our protocol for intraoperative testing of the implant device includes device electrode impedance test and neural response telemetry (NRT), which measures the electrically evoked auditory nerve compound action potentials (ECAP). 方法 在 40例患儿人工耳蜗植入术中先测定电极阻抗 ,然后使用神经反应遥测技术 (neuralresponsetelemetry,NRT)监测 6个电极的电诱发听神经复合动作电位 (electricallyevokedauditorynervecompoundactionpotentials,ECAP)。
- From the control box, burning me, burning lights, electromagnetic valve, high-pressure ignition, plastic goods test fixture, gas pipes and signal the line of control components. 由控制箱、燃烧箱、燃烧灯、电磁阀、高压点火器、塑料试品夹具、煤气管和信号控制线组成。