- ignore personal danger 不顾个人安危
- The drummer seemed to be swayed between the interest of a foreigner and a perception of personal danger. 推销员既有外乡人的好奇心,颇想探个究竟,又意识到自己的处境危险,所以有些举棋不定。
- A totally ignorant person; an ignoramus. 无知的人,文盲一无所知的人;愚昧的人
- Personal danger is different from social harm, subjective viciousness and fault, as cannot be confused. 人身危险性与社会危害性、主观恶性、罪过均有区别,不可混淆。
- Do we have to bear with this ignorant person? 我们必须要忍受这个无知的人吗?
- From penological point of view, personal danger in narrow sense focuses on providing guidance for penalty measurement. 狭义上的人身危险性侧重从刑罚学的角度,为量刑提供指导。
- That was because he put himself in great personal danger among the enemy soldiers. The messengers even reported how bravely he defended Scotland. 那是因为他将自己置身于敌方士兵的巨大危险之中。信使甚至记录麦克白如何英勇的保卫苏格兰。
- This article will proceed with the facts, analyze the affect of personal danger in sentencing, thereby, perfect the principle of discretionary action of sentencing. 试从实践入手,针对我国现行法律的规定来阐述一下人身危险性在量刑中的作用,从而完善我国刑法的量刑原则。
- From the criminological point of view personal danger in broad sense focuses on researching the probability of anew crime offence and providing guidance for preventing crimes and criminal legislation. 广义上的人身危险性侧重从犯罪学的角度研究人的犯罪可能性,为预防犯罪以及刑事立法提供指导;
- In judicial practice, Personal danger is the buffer zone of conviction and sentencing, which can make any case reach the greatest rationalization on the basis of the entire justice. 在司法实务中,人身危险性是定罪量刑的缓冲区,它可以在保持整个司法公正的基础上使个案的审判达到最大程度的合理化。
- Part IV the criterion of judging personal dangerIn the part, the author introduces the judgment of personal danger and expands the criterion of judging the recidivist and first offender. 四、人身危险性的判断标准介绍了人身危险性的判断概况,分别阐述了再犯可能性的判断标准和初犯可能性的判断标准。
- He was incapable of fear, meeting personal dangers with the calmest unconcern. 他不知道害怕,置个人安危于不顾。
- Some people always describe the others with a sentence: The ignorant person fears nothing. 有些人一直爱用“无知者无畏”去形容另外一些人。
- The wisest course would be to ignore it. 上上策是不予理睬。
- Let us ignore these irrelevancies. 咱们不必管这些不相干的事。
- Even after the others get success ,they will also say: The ignorant person fears nothing, only they can finish it, this is just good luck. 有时,会在别人成功完成后,依然是褒贬不明地说:也只有这种无知者无畏的才能做到,这是运气好而已。
- Commend on Personal Danger Theory 人身危险性理论评析
- We must not ignore the tide of popular opinion. 我们切不可忽视舆论的倾向。
- If you ignore your diet, trouble will follow. 如果你忽视自己的饮食,必然会遇到麻烦