- ice sheet expedition 冰盖考察
- In this study, in situ observations by small boat and CTD in Arctic Ocean marginal ice zone (MIZ) in the 1999 Chinese expedition cruise are described, to delineate the temperature and salinity structures of water under ice sheet. 利用 1 999年北极科学考察期间在海冰边缘区的三次考察数据 ,研究了北冰洋海冰边缘区的温度和盐度结构。
- There are about 98% thick continental ice sheet and 2% barren rock. 南极约98%25覆盖着厚厚的大陆冰床,2%25为光秃的岩石。
- Several rivers of the West Antarctica ice sheet flow into the ice shelf. 南极洲西部几条河流中的冰块漂流到冰架,
- Their seaward edges are speeding up, and the ice sheet behind them is thinning. 冰河正在向海的前缘加速移动,后方的冰原则在变薄。
- Like the Greenland ice sheet, the West Antarctic ice sheet is also losing mass. 就像格陵兰冰原一样,西部南极冰原也正在流失。
- Their prediction is that a 3℃ rise in temperature In Greenland will trigger the irreversible melting of its ice sheet. 他们的预测是:格陵兰岛上温度上升摄氏3度将不可逆转地引起其冰层的融化。
- The West Antarctica ice sheet currently covers more than nine-hundred-thousand square kilometers. 目前,南极洲西部的冰块覆盖了900 000多平方千米。
- The average thickness of the ice sheet is 7,200 feet; this amounts to 90% of all the ice and 70% of all the fresh water in the world. 冰床平均厚度是7200英尺,占地球总冰量90%25、淡水70%25。
- The melting of Greenland's ice sheet is accelerating, threatening an increasing rise in sea levels. 格陵兰岛冰层的融化速度正在加快,可能导致海平面加速上升。
- MAY: What Washington, D.C., Might look like if the Greenland ice sheet melted completely. 海平面继续上升的话华盛顿会变成的样子。
- Ice sheets are broad glaciers that blanket whole regions. 冰盖则是能把整个地区覆盖起来的广阔冰川。
- Knowing what the ice sheet looked like back then let scientists pin down variations in modern models of Earth climate. 了解冰层的形状能帮助科学家们解释清楚现在地球气候的现代模型的变形。
- Precipitation over the Interior East Antarctic Ice Sheet Related to Midlatitude Blocking-High Activity. 东南极冰盖内部降水与中纬阻塞高压活动。
- At the end of the ice age, a lobe of the vast Cordilleran Ice Sheet oozed into the gap between two mountains near the present-day town of Sandpoint, Idaho. 在冰川期结束时,一块巨大的山脉冰床缓缓地渗人了位于今天爱达荷州桑德波特镇附近两山间的峡谷中。
- But what if the ice sheets are melting? Can anyone save us? 然而,假如冰原真的融化了,那该怎么办呢?谁来救我们呢?
- The cod swim away; the ice sheets freeze over again. 鳕鱼游走了,冰原再度冰封起。
- Lake Crescent was created by the gouging of retreating ice sheets. 月牙湖是由冰床风蚀演化而成。
- The mail is conveyed with expedition. 那封信被迅速地传递出去。
- A long, narrow ridge of coarse gravel deposited by a stream flowing in or under a decaying glacial ice sheet. 蛇(形)丘由粗糙的碎砂淤积起来的长而窄的脊状物,由河流冲积而成或形成于衰退的冰川层下