- human settlement construction 人居环境建设
- The travelers pushed inland,questing for signs of human settlement. 旅行者向内地推进,寻找人类定居点的遗迹。
- Analysis of macroscopic problem of city human settlements construction in Yinchuan City 银川市城市人居环境建设的宏观分析
- The travelers pushed inland, questing for signs of human settlement. 旅行者向内地推进,寻找人类定居点的遗迹。
- With the aid of new Foundry sites that allow you to construct more advanced ships, you may build Transports to deliver your forces across the channel to the cowering Human settlement. 有了新的铸造厂的帮助你可以建造更多高级船只;你可以造出运输舰来运送你的部队横穿海峡到达正在退缩的人类据点.
- Israel has rejected U.S. demands for a total freeze on settlement construction, souring relations with Washington. 以色列拒绝接受美国对其完全停止定居点建设的要求,这也影响了以色列同华盛顿的关系。
- The list of things they were not going to like - being told to freeze settlement construction and dismantle West Bank roadblocks - was unexceptional. 不过,美国新总统奥巴马与他的前任有所不同,他非常希望中东和平能取得突破,而且表现出来一种紧迫感。
- An area away from human settlements. 远离人类居住地的地区
- The afforestation is also one of the important measures to improve the nonideal human settlement. 植树造林是改善非理想人居环境的又一重要措施。
- With the Jewish New Year and the Muslim Eid holidays both approaching, time ran out on the U.S. envoy to press Washington's demand for Israel to freeze settlement construction. 由于犹太新年和穆斯林开斋节均已临近,米切尔要完成华盛顿交付的要求以色列冻结西岸定居点的任务已时日无多。
- Carry on assessment to the Human Settlement of Nanchong,and has done the contrast with Changsha. 对南充人居环境进行评价,并与长沙市做简要对比。
- Palestinian leaders say Israel's refusal to freeze settlement construction in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem is holding up the peace efforts. 巴勒斯坦领导人表示,以色列拒绝冻结约旦河西岸和东耶路撒冷定居点的建设阻碍了和平的努力。
- Rexxar sneaks into the human settlement on Theramore Isle and confronts Jaina about the recent attacks on orc territories. 雷克萨潜入人类在塞拉摩岛上的居所并与吉安娜进行最近对兽人领土袭击的事件交涉。
- Deforestation (disafforestation) The permanent removal of forests, especially by means of logging for commercial timber and clearing for agriculture and human settlement. 砍伐森林(滥伐):为了商业木材的使用,农田的开垦以及人类的建筑用地永久性的移除森林。
- In October 2001, Hangzhou was selected for the Habitant Scroll of Honour Award by United Nations center for Human Settlement. 2001年10月,杭州被联合国中心选出为最适合人类居住的城市。
- Can spring of human settlements in towns be far behind? 小城镇人居环境春天还远吗?
- Both the Palestinians and the United States say settlement construction violates the "road map" peace plan, which is the foundation for new peace talks.Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat. 巴勒斯坦人和美国都认为建造定居点违反中东和平路线图,而这个路线图是未来和谈的基础。
- Atul K Gupta, of the Wildlife Institute of India, says deforestation and human settlement are driving macaques into cities for food. 守卫巡逻时会有龄猴结伴,但猕猴看见他们便走到政府大楼的空地去。
- Based on the proposed conception of human inhabitation environment, this thesis proposes the topological elements of human settlement. 基于人类聚居环境概念,提出聚居社区的拓扑元素。
- So, fiddle with the atmospheres of these neighbours and you open new frontiers for human settlement and far-fetched story lines. 所以,你可以篡改这些临近星球的大气问题,开辟新的人类居住地,编出离奇的故事情节。