- P53 gene is localized in the short arm of human chromosome 17. P53基因定位于人类第17号染色体的短臂,野生型P53基因是肿瘤抑制基因。
- The creation of human chromosome maps for DNA markers that would allow the location of genes to be found. 创建DNA标志的人类染色体图谱,方便人们发现基因的位置;
- The many advantages, compared with FISH, make PRINS become the first choice in diagnosing diseases related to numerical anomaly in human chromosome. 与FISH技术相比, PRINS的这些优点使得它成为诊断染色体非整倍性变异的首选技术。
- This region on the long arm of human chromosome 15 contains multiple genes, including CHRNA3, CHRNA5, CHRNB4, and PSMA4.Study author Haris G. 此区域在人类染色体15的长臂,包含许多基因,包括CHRNA3、CHRNA5、CHRNB4和PSMA4;
- The homology of this gene was 98% with human chromosome 1p36.2-36.3 DNA sequences,the homology of this gene coding protein was 85% with Alu subfamily SB sequence. 核酸同源性比对发现与人类1p36.;2鄄36
- EC97 was mapped to human chromosome 16p12-16pl3.1 using radiation hybridization and predicted to include 25 exons and disseminated over 100kb in genomic DNA. 运用放射杂交技术将EC97定位于人染色体16p12-16p13.;1。 EC97含25个外显子,基因组序列大于100kb。
- Methods: Biotinylated DNA probe from sorted human chromosome 15 was hybridized to the metaphase spreads of 10 cases of APL.G-banding technique was also used in these samples. 方法:以生物素标记的人类15号染色体特异的DNA为探针,对10例APL患者骨髓中期分裂相进行杂交,所有病例均进行G显带分析。
- For example, achondroplasia, a common form of dwarfism, usually occurs as a result of a mutation at base pair 1138 in a gene called FGFR3 on the short arm of human chromosome 4. 举例来说,软骨发育不全症(achondroplasia,一种常见的侏儒症)通常是人类第四对染色体短臂上FGFR3这个基因的第1138个碱基对发生突变。
- Abstract Purpose : To establish a nonradio - labelled method for measuring telomere length (mean length of telomere rest riction f ragment , TRF) of human chromosome. 摘要 目的:建立一种非同位素标记测定端粒长度的方法。
- Ubiquitin associated protein 1(UBAP1) is a novel member of UBA domain protein family, located at human chromosome 9p21 22 where loss of heterozygosity frequently occurs in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. UBAP1(ubiquitinassociatedprotein 1)基因是最近克隆的一个定位于人类染色体 9p2 1 2 2鼻咽癌杂合性丢失高频区的泛肽相关蛋白家族新成员 .
- FISH on lymphocytes using human chromosome 21 probes prepared by UP PCR gives bright hybridization signals and correct numbers of chromosome 21 in more than 98.4% of interphase nuclei and 99.6% of metaphases, respectively. 此法制备的人21号染色体FISH探针,特异性强,杂交信号明亮,21号染色体的检出率高。 该法稳定简便。
- The first big breakthrough in solving this problem was when it was found that one virus, the adeno-associated virus (AAV), preferentially inserts into a particular (safe) place on human chromosome 19. 解决这一问题的第一个大突破,是发现一种病毒,即腺病毒相关病毒(AAV),会有选择地插进人类第19号染色体的一个特殊(安全)位置。
- This paper relates the method of extracting Chromosome medial-axis-line, calculating the length of Chromosome, calculating the centromeric index and density profile from human Chromosome images. 论述了从经过预处理的人体染色体图像中提取染色体中轴、计算染色体长度、着丝点指数和带纹特征的方法。
- PubMed abstract: Hemizygous cryptic deletions of the q11 band of human chromosome 22 have been associated with a number of psychiatric and behavioural phenotypes, including schizophrenia. PubMed摘要:人类染色体22号q11带的半合隐蔽缺失已经与一些精神病学和行为学的显型,包括精神分裂症相伴出现。
- Abstract Purpose : To study sarin toxicity effect on human chromosomes. 摘要 探讨沙林对人类染色体的影响。
- Abstract:Fluorescent in situ hybridizaiton(FISH)was used on the metaphase of Macaca mulatta and Macaca fasicularis with human chromosome specific DNA libraries for chromosome 5、9、13、15、17 and 20. 用人类5号、9号、13号、15号、17号、20号整条染色体探针分别对人、恒河猴和食蟹猴的中期细胞进行荧光原位杂交,结果表明:人的5号、13号、17号探针分别杂交到恒河猴的5号、16号、17号染色体上;
- The CRALBPL gene was mapped to human chromosome 8q12.2, consisted of 1694 bp and had a open reading frame in length encoding a putative 354 amino acids with a CRAL-TRIO domain in 118-279 aa. 它定位在染色体8q12.;2,包含1694个碱基,开放阅读框编码354个氨基酸,CRAL-TRIO 结构域位于118-279位氨基酸。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- The human chromosome variation caused by the electro-dissociationradiation has been studied by means of observing chromosomes of 26 electronaccelerator workers. 通过对26例静电加速器工作者染色体的观测,研究电离辐射引起的人类染色体畸变。
- There are 24 distinct human chromosomes: 22 autosomal chromosomes, plus the sex-determining X and Y chromosomes. 人类拥有24种不同的染色体,其中有22个属于体染色体,另外还有两个能够决定性别的性染色体,分别是X染色体与Y染色体。