- The cast grouping and ordering problem of steelmaking continuous casting hot rolling (SM-CC) is a combinatorial optimization problem. 摘要炼钢-连铸生产的浇次组合与排序是带有工艺约束的并行机流水车间调度问题。
- We like hot rolls for breakfast. 我们早餐喜欢吃热面卷。
- Application of Hot Rolling Lubricant Technology in CSP of Zhujiang Iron and Steel Corp. Ltd. 热轧轧制润滑在珠钢CSP的应用。
- Application of Upper Harmonic Filter in Hot Rolling Plate Engineering of Maanshan Iron %26 Steel Co. Ltd. 高次谐波滤波装置在马钢热轧板工程中的应用。
- Good toughness and thermal cracking resistance.Used in the stands of prefinish rolling.Suitable for hot rolling thread steel. 具有优良的韧性和抗热烈纹能力;适用于预精轧机架和热轧螺纹钢.
- Abstract: In hot rolling of large rings of titanium alloy (LRTs), the ratio of roll radii R1/R2, i.e. 中文摘要: 在大型钛环热辗扩成形过程中,驱动辊半径R1与芯辊半径R2的比值R1/R2对变形区几何形状有重要影响,而后者对于获得高质量环件起着决定性的作用。
- It proves that in practice preventing the center crack disfigurement of the hot rolling steel by slow co... 实际应用证明该方法在消除热轧棒材的低倍中心裂纹方面是可行的、有效的。
- High binder content, good toughness and thermal cracking resistance.Used in the stands of prefinish rolling.Suitable for hot rolling thread steel. 粘结剂含量高,具有优良的韧性和抗热烈纹能力,适用于预精轧机架和热轧螺纹钢。
- Rolling plan problem is analyzed and a rolling plan VRP model with uncertain rolling plan numbers is suggested according to hot rolling production practice. 摘要分析了轧制批量计划编制问题,建立了不确定轧制计划数的轧制计划VRP模型。
- The present article introduces the application and practical effect of new CVC shape control model in hot rolling mill plant of Bao Steel. 介绍了宝钢热轧厂新CVC板型控制模型的应用及实际控制效果
- High binder content,good toughness and thermal cracking resistance.Used in the stands of prefinish rolling.Suitable for hot rolling thread steel. 粘结剂含量高;具有优良的韧性和抗热烈纹能力;适用于预精轧机架和热轧螺纹钢.
- Hot rolled steel plate for bartel of coneret mixing vehiele. 混凝土搅拌车简体用热轧钢板
- Being DCS of CiT Company, Australia, CMS is used in the control system of mixed gas station for 2 050 mm hot rolling mill of Baosteel. 经过改造的2050mm热轧机煤气混合站控制系统 ,采用了澳大利亚西雅特公司的CMS型分布式控制系统。
- Prime Quality Hot Rolled Sheet in Coil, Unpickled, Unoiled. 热轧高钢卷,非酸洗的,不上油的。
- Bright Red pepper in the hot pot, hot rolling, chicken fillets, Suxiang stuffed, stewed pork and chicken dishes are well augur well reflect the full. 鲜红的辣椒在热腾腾的火锅中翻滚,鸡丁鱼片,酥香扣肉,卤猪腿凤爪等预示好兆头的菜摆了满满一桌。
- We want to buy a second hand vertical edger for hot rolling mill. please send for us your images and technical data from your edger. 我们的热轧厂需要一台二手立辊轧边机,请提供轧边机的照片及技术数据。
- Aimed at the edge surface upwarping of strip during hot rolling,the effect of rolling factors on surface upwarping in low carbon steel were analyzed. 针对热轧带钢边部“翘皮”缺陷,从轧钢角度,采用多因素分析法,对影响低碳钢“翘皮”缺陷产生的各种因素进行了分析。
- Hot coilbox technique can be used in hot rolling strip production to reduce cost with shortened production line and less power consumption. 在热轧带钢生产中,热卷箱技术可以通过减少轧线长度和减少功率消耗来降低生产成本。
- The measurement principle,structure and multistage application in hot rolling strip Production of ROMETER2000/3-7 Flatness gauge meter were introduced. 介绍了ROMETER2000/3-7平直度仪的测量原理、结构及平直度检测信号在热轧生产过程中的多级应用。
- Used in the stands of [refinish rolling or in the front stands of common mills and roll rings for hot rolling screw thread steel. 用于予精轧机架或一般轧机前部机架以及热轧螺纹钢辊环。