- He has a tremendous hold over his younger brother. 他对他弟弟很有影响。
- The matter was held over until the next meeting. 此事被延至下次会议解决。
- He has a great hold over his younger brother. 他对他弟弟很有支配力。
- I don't know why she doesn't leave him-he must have some sort of hold over her. 我不明白她为什么不离开他——他一定有一种左右她的力量。
- The meeting was held over until Friday. 会议推迟到星期五才举行。
- Please hold over the rest of the goods. 请保留其余的货物。
- General Dan McNeil took over command of the NATO forces. Dan McNeil将军接管了北约驻阿富汗军队的指挥权。
- The concert was held over till the following week. 音乐会延期到下周举行。
- I think it can hold over a million people. 我想它能容得下注释。
- The officer has kept a firm hold over the soldiers. 那个军官一直紧紧地控制着士兵。
- The blackmailer had a hold over him. 勒索他的人控制着他。
- Hold over BH for 5 minutes due to traffic. 在BH等待五分钟因有冲突。
- The government maintained its hold over the island. 政府仍然控制着该岛。
- While I owe him money, he has a hold over me. 我欠他钱的时候,他就把我掌握在手心了。
- Would you please hold over the rest of the goods? 请将其余货物保存起来好吗?
- He didn't relinquish his hold over Mary until his death. 直到他死去才放弃对玛丽的控制。
- BAN KI-MOON, the little-known South Korean who took over command of the United Nations this week from Kofi Annan, lobbied hard to get the job. 本周,名不见经传的韩国人潘基文从科菲安南手里接过了联合国的大印。为了得到这个职位,潘可没少费力气。
- The movie will be held over for a week. 这部电影将延长放映一周。
- The film was held over for weeks. 电影又继续放了几星期
- BAN KI-MOON, the little-known South Korean who took over command of the United Nations this week from Kofi Annan, lobbied hard to get the job.One wonders why. 本周,世人知之甚少的韩国人潘基文从科菲安南手中接过联合国的帅印,这可是他辛辛苦苦不断游说才争取来的。