- They ranged the hills and valleys. 他们漫游于高山低谷。
- The troop trotted the hills and valleys. 这支部队快步翻山越谷。
- We ranged over the hills and valleys. 我们漫游在山岗上和溪谷间。
- The children ranged the hills and valleys. 孩子们在小山上和溪谷里来回走。
- The children ranged the hills and valleys . 孩子们在小山上和溪谷里来回走。
- Tiny Gomera is richly contoured with hills and valleys. 村子沿着山势呈阶梯状层层而下,其间点缀着棕榈树和香蕉树。
- It is commonly used to form hills and valleys or landscapes, though, and hence the name \"terrain\" mesh. 它一般用于形成斜坡和山谷或风景,并且因此命名为“地形”模型。
- The hills and valleys of Waimea are also now green like Ireland rather than brown as in Wyoming. 威梅亚的小山与峡谷现在也绿得像爱尔兰而不像怀俄明州的褐色。
- It seemed to draw light out of the darkening earth, for as it rose, the hills and valleys below grew dimmer. 月亮似乎是从渐渐暗下去的大地汲取了光明。在它冉冉升起之际,下面的群山幽谷愈发显得幽暗了。
- The road continues, with Tibetan monasteries and stupas dotting the hills and valleys. 顺着山路蔓延,藏传佛教寺庙和佛塔点缀在山峰河谷之间。
- Colby Point was really the name of a road that crept between the hills and valleys of McHenry, Illinois. 科尔比点其实是一条公路的名称,公路蜿延穿梭于伊利诺斯州迈克亨利市的山丘和山谷中。
- It seemed to draw light out of the darkening earth,for as it rose,the hills and valleys belows grew dimmer. 就像是从暗色的地球中吸来的光,因为当它升起来的时候,下面的小山和山谷变得更加昏暗。
- Lakes, rolling hills and valleys abound, and with the south coast only seven miles away. 到处是湖泊、山峦和峡谷,离南海岸仅有七英里远。
- Gloucestershire Ray Hale open prison is located in the city of Berkeley Cotswold hills and valleys Belt, a very large area. 犯人们最不缺的是什么?当然是时间。如何打发时间是每一位犯人都很头痛的事。
- And for 30 years, my marriage has traversed hills and valleys, the two of us struggling toward a mutual goal of unity and equality. 在这30年里,我们的婚姻坎坎坷坷,我们都在为着平等合一的目标而迈进。
- I used to think that life was hills and valleys - you go through a dark time, then you go to the mountaintop, back and forth. 我以前认为生命就是有高峰也有低谷-当你经过黑暗的时候,你就会到达山顶,退后然后前进。
- In the woods she dressed herself up like a huntress and kept the youth company all day long, and wandered through grounds and groves and over hills and valleys with him. 她装扮成一个女猎手,让这个年轻人整日陪伴左右,并与他一起游遍了山林、河谷。
- Some of the tunnels and bases used by the Kuomintang troops can still be found snaking their way through the hills and valleys: an exciting reminder of Zhejiang's revolutionary past. 现在仍然可以沿着丘陵和山谷迂回前进,找到部分国民党军队使用过的隧道和基地:令人激动地昭示着浙江的革命过往。
- Dunedin, is the second-largest city in the South Island of New Zealand, and the principal city of the region of Otago.The city stands on the hills and valleys surrounding the head of Otago Harbour. 位于新西兰南岛东南方的但尼丁是奥塔哥地区的商业中心,在这个立体的城镇,街道沿着地势斜坡而建,整座城市坐落在被树林覆盖的山坡上,与一个优美的海港相连。
- Hill and woods diversify the landscape. 山陵和树林点缀景色。