- Compared with the traditional lead covered cure, it has advantages of high efficiency energy saving high quality and lower cost. PLCV与传统的包铅硫化方法相比具有效率高,节省能源,加工过程简单,产品质量高和成本费用低等优点。
- The evident vantage of the bands decentralized control system is made not only on enhancing output and decreasing cost but also in high efficiency energy saving. 针对上述问题产生原因进行了分析,提出了解决办法,采用多段分散式控制布置,在增产降耗、高效节能上具有明显的优势。
- Summary of High Efficient Energy Saving Tank Furnace 高效节能池窑的周期总结
- High efficient energy saving shelf pre-installed kang-linked stove 高效节能回洞式组装架空炕连灶
- The SL401 Circulating Water Refrigeration Unit is a most up-to-date generation of high efficiency energy saving heat exchange refrigeration facility independently developed by out company. SL401型循环水制冷机组是本公司自主开发出来的最新一代的高效节能换热水循环制冷设备。
- High efficiency energy saving beneficiation technology 高效节能选矿技术
- The field effectiveness of the high efficiency energy saving double-wave trapping light in pest control 高效节能双波诱虫灯田间试验及应用效果
- Our filling equipments are made up by line and circle model, they both have excellent quality and efficient energy saving, which are your preferred filling equipments. 我公司生产的直线式、圆盘式灌装机品质卓越、高效节能,是您创造价值的首选灌装设备。
- High efficiency energy saving 高效节能
- Keywords VSR;Hot Validity;Natural Validity;Stress Elimination;Higher Efficiency Energy Saving Technology; 振动时效;热时效;自然时效;消除应力;高效节能技术;
- High-Low pressure double vane pump with low noise level and high performance is used for energy saving and high efficiency. 采用高性能、低噪音的高低压双泵或单泵以省耗能量及提高生产效能。
- High efficiency, energy saving, low noise, vibration, high starting torque, high reliability, security, easy maintenance and so on. 具有效率高、节能、噪声低、震动小、起动转矩高、可靠性高、安全维护方便等特点。
- The continuous casting rolling technology for nonferrous metals is a typical high efficiency, energy saving and short process method. 有色金属的连铸连轧、连续铸轧是典型的高效、节能、短流程加工技术。
- With lots of supervision and comparison functions, the extendable system can provide higher efficient energy analysis methods. 同时,系统的可扩展性,及系统提供的多种电力量监视、比较功能,为用户在更广的范围内,提供了更加高效的节能分析管理手段。
- SD hydraulic pulper is an energy saving product。It is accepted Volks rotor。It features high efficiency in defiberation,run reliability,power saving. SD水力碎浆机是节能型产品,采用伏克斯转子,具有碎解效力高,动力消耗省,运行可靠等特点。
- Because of having high efficiency,energy saving,little effect on environment and steady operation,water source heat pump and ground source heat pump are promising in Guiyang. 水源热泵和地源热泵由于具有高效节能、对环境影响小、运行稳定等特点,在贵阳地区很有发展前途。
- This is a highly efficient new heating system. 这是个高效的新取暖系统。
- The process is characterized by high efficie ncy of sulfur melting and good energy saving effect.The process can continuou sly operate and realize automatic and piping operation. 该工艺熔硫效率高,节能效果好,可以连续操作,并可实现自动化、管道化操作。
- The product features compact structure rich wind , low noise , less libration,energy saving , good operation,high efficiency and long service life and with beautiful appearance . 具有风量大、振动小,噪音低,运行可靠等优良性能。该风机主要用于需要风量大的地面自动控制装置,大型电子设备、医闻设备、计算机,办公自动化、电焊机等行业的通风散热之用。
- Energy Saving: High efficiency synchronic motor, its consumption energy is only 60% of normal traction machine. It can save a big amount of running cost. 节能:高效率的同步电机,其消耗的能量仅为传统曳引机的60%25左右,每年可节省可观的使用成本。