- The high contents of drimane in the oil indicate that microbial action made some contribution for the formation of the high wax oil. 大民屯凹陷高蜡油中,锥满烷系列含量丰富,说明微生物作用对高蜡油形成有一定贡献。
- Hedberg H D.Significance of high wax oils with respect to genesis of petroleum[J].AAPG Bulletin.1968,52(5):736-750. 黄海平.;用高温气相色谱分析原油和岩石抽提物中的高分子量烃类[J]
- Keywords high wax oil;terrestrial organic matter;microbial reworking;oxidation-reduction environment;maturation;Damintun sag; 高蜡油;陆源有机质;微生物改造;氧化还原环境;成熟度;大民屯凹陷;
- high wax oil 高蜡石油
- The main features of the crude oil in fault block Shen 84 of Shenyang oil field are high wax content, high pour point, and low contents of gum and asphaltine. 沈阳油田沈84断块原油的主要特点是高含蜡、高凝固点,低胶质和低沥青质含量。
- The authors consider that the paraffin deposit has influence on the precision of vibrating densimeter during inline custody transfer metering for the high wax content oil. 分析了在高含蜡原油在线交接计量过程中,结蜡对振动管式密度计测量精度的影响因素。
- This sag can be divided into two petroliferous systems, the high wax petroleum system and the normal one. 大民屯凹陷中可以划分为高蜡油油气系统和正常油油气系统两个含油系统。
- Naphthe, refined diesel and refined wax oil can be produced with the VGO of Iran light oil, DAO and CGO as feedstock. 以伊朗轻质油的直馏含硫蜡没(VGO)、DAO、焦化轻重蜡油(CGO)混合油为原料,可生产汽油、精制柴油、精制蜡油。
- Wax oil practicaly the same like wooden varnish, but after covering not rase the pile of wood. 蜡油几乎与木制清漆相同,但覆盖后不会破坏木材的绒面。
- The phase behavior of a new type of gas condensate systems with high wax content was investigated systematically using the high pressure PVT equipment. 应用高压相态装置对高含蜡凝析气的相态进行了系列实验研究。
- In tent, a red candle was burning with the wax oil trickling continuously and having filled the bronze high-leg candler's empaistic dishware. 在帐篷里,一支红蜡烛,烛油淋淋漓漓地淌下来,淌满了古铜高柄烛台的浮雕的碟子。
- HFD-02 is used to prevent and remove scale of the material system for wax oil hydrogenation and residual oil hydrogenation. HFD-02加氢阻垢剂,用于蜡油加氢、渣油加氢原料系统的防垢、除垢。
- According to the feature of the Daqing coking wax oil,an efficient and economical liquid phase complexation denitrification additires has been studied and produced. 试验主要针对大庆石化公司炼油厂生产的焦化蜡油和重催原料油,通过采用络合脱氮剂脱除碱性氮化物。
- Uses in mineral and so on petroleum, fat paraffin wax, wax oil, petroleum in the oil industry fining decolorization and the purification as well as petroleum cracking. 在石油工业中用于石油、油脂石蜡、蜡油、煤油等矿物的精炼脱色和净化以及石油裂化。
- wax oil hydrogenation heat high -pressure separate tank 蜡油加氢热高分罐
- wax oil automatic reverse-washing filter 蜡油自动反冲洗过滤器
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。
- Goods of high quality are few and far between these days. 质地精美上乘的物品现在不多见。