- Back analysis and multiple-factor influencing mechanism of high geostress field for river valley region of Laxiwa Hydropower Engineering 拉西瓦工程河谷区高地应力场反演与形成机理
- high geostress field 高地应力场
- A mechanical model for complex initial geostress field is put forward. 提出了复杂初始地应力场的力学模型。
- The dynamic unloading effect of initial stress in hydrostatic field in excavation process of circlar tunnel by blasting under high geostress condition was studied and the damage field was caculated. 摘要分析了高地应力条件下静水压力场中圆形隧洞钻爆开挖时开挖边界上初始应力场动态卸荷效应及破坏机理,并计算了其破坏范围。
- They can all be regarded as the results from rapid unloading under the high geostress conditions. 不论天然或是人工高边坡,均可视为高地应力环境下快速卸荷过程的产物。
- An effective approach for formulating the initial geostress field was presented based on the ideas of sub-model method. 基于子模型方法的思想,给出了一种有效推求初始地应力场的方法。
- As one of the geological hazards, rockburst is often met in underground engineering under excavation unloading conditions in high geostress areas. 岩爆是高地应力区地下工程中常见的一种卸荷破坏地质灾害现象。
- According to the measured geostress data, there are many methods of calculating initial geostress field with different advantages. 由实测地应力资料反演初始地应力场的力法很多,且各有优势。
- Based on the measured geostress data, there have been many kinds of methods with respective advantages for initial geostress field back-analysis. 目前,由现场实测资料反演初始地应力场的方法很多,且各有优势。
- These conclusions reveal the unloading properties of marble under high geostress conditions and offer important references for stability analysis of deep-buried tunnels. 这些结论揭示高应力条件下大理岩的卸荷力学特性,为深埋引水隧洞开挖稳定分析提供可靠依据。
- With the new index, the intension of rockburst and the position and extent of failure zone can be predicted quantitatively during rockmass excavation under high geostress. 该指标可更好地定量预测高地应力下地下工程开挖过程中岩爆发生的强度、破坏位置与范围,由该指标求出的围岩释放能又可作为地下工程开挖方案的优化指标。
- There exists a rock burst zone with a limiting depth dependent upon the ratio of the vertical principl stress to the horizontal one of the geostress field. 围岩内部存在着产生岩爆的极限深度区,极限深度的深浅取决于地应力场中的垂直和水平主应力的比值大小。
- XU Lin-sheng,TANG Bo-ming,MU Chang-chun,et al.Study on the current issues of high geostress and rock blasting[J].Technology of Highway and Transport,2002,(4):48-51. [8]徐林生;唐伯明;慕长春;等.;高地应力与岩爆有关问题的研究现状[J]
- Then the evolution of geostress field accompanying with the down cutting of Yellow River and was simulated with FEM and the spatial distribution features ... 运用有限元法模拟了研究区地应力场的形成过程,并探讨了地应力的空间分布规律。
- It indicated that the results from two schemes are very approximate, and they may simulate the regularities of distribution in the real geostress field. 比较发现两种方案反演计算结果非常接近,且均能模拟实际地应力场的分布规律。
- It is very important to study on the stability and optimization for large underground caverns under high geostress condition, which is an unresolved key problem in current hydroelectric development. 高地应力条件下大型地下洞室群稳定性分析与优化研究是当前水电开发中亟待解决的重大课题。
- FENG Ding-xiang,GU Xian-rong,YANG Jia-ling,et al.Supposition of initial geostress field in underground engineering finite element analyses[J].Underground Engineering,1982,(2):20-27. [1]丰定祥;谷先荣;杨家岭;等.;关于地下工程有限元分析中初始地应力场的假定[J]
- Then the evolution of geostress field accompanying with the down cutting of Yellow River and was simulated with FEM and the spatial distribution features of geostress were discussed. 运用有限元法模拟了研究区地应力场的形成过程,并探讨了地应力的空间分布规律。
- Thatch hut is raised high above the paddy field on stilt. 茅草屋用柱高高地建在稻田之上。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。